Jouko Pölönen appointed President and CEO of Pohjola

Pohjola Bank plc
Stock exchange release
19 September, 2013, 12.40 pm

Jouko Pölönen appointed President and CEO of Pohjola

The Board of Directors of Pohjola Bank plc has appointed Jouko Pölönen to act as Pohjola's President and CEO as of 15 November 2013. Pölönen, 43, is currently acting as Pohjola Insurance Ltd's President and will also continue to do so.

Jouko Pölönen has been employed by Pohjola Group in various positions since 2001, such as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer. He is Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration and eMBA.

"Based on our succession plan, we examined a number of strong internal candidates. Diversified experience and his extensive expertise in various fields at Pohjola, such as in financial management, finances, risk management and non-life insurance, were Mr Pölönen's key strengths", states Reijo Karhinen, Chairman of Pohjola Bank plc's Board of Directors.

"I believe that Jouko has the appropriate combination of expertise, experience and strong connections as required of Pohjola's President and CEO. He also knows Pohjola Group well, which helps him take up his new duties and is a great advantage in the years to come", continues Karhinen.

"It is great honour for me to have been appointed President and CEO. I am very pleased. Pohjola is a renowned financial services provider with a long history. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to continue Pohjola's success together with our personnel as part of the strong OP-Pohjola Group", says Jouko Pölönen.  

Jouko Pölönen will succeed Mikael Silvennoinen who will take up a position as partner and Board Chairman of his family business and will be ready to serve on corporate boards.

Attached to the release are Mr Pölönen's remuneration statement and CV. The photo of Mr Pölönen can be downloaded on Pohjola's website at > Media > Photo Library > Pohjola's Executive Committee.

Carina Geber-Teir
Chief Communications Officer

Reijo Karhinen, Chairman of the Board of Directors, tel. +358 (0)10 252 4500
OP-Pohjola Communications, media contacts, tel. +358 (0)50 523 99 04

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Pohjola is a Finnish financial services group which provides its customers with banking, non-life insurance and asset management services. Our mission is to promote the sustainable prosperity, security and wellbeing of our customers. Profitable growth and an increase in company value form our key objectives. Pohjola Group serves corporate customers in Finland and abroad by providing an extensive range of financial, investment, cash-management and non-life insurance services. We offer non-life insurance and private banking services to private customers. Pohjola Series A shares have been listed on the Large Cap List of the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki since 1989. The number of shareholders totals around 32,000. Pohjola's consolidated earnings before tax came to 374 million euros in 2012 and the balance sheet total amounted to 45 billion euros on 31 December 2012. Pohjola is part of OP-Pohjola Group, the leading financial services group in Finland with over four million customers.


President and CEO Remuneration Jouko Pölönen CV