AarhusKarlshamn AB invites to Capital Market Days

AarhusKarlshamn AB invites analysts, investors and media to Capital Market Days
on November 12, 2013 in Stockholm and on November 22, 2013 in London.
This year’s event will highlight the development of AAK Acceleration, an update
of the current financial developments, provide a more in-depth look within
Infant Nutrition and Chocolate & Confectionery Fats followed by a presentation
on AAK´s growth markets and ambitions in those markets.

The meeting will be hosted by CEO, Arne Frank and CFO, Peter Korsholm, along
with other members of the Executive Committee.

AAK, is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, in the Mid Cap segment, Consumer
Commodities sector.

Program for the days:
09.00-09.30            Registration and coffee

09.30-13.00            Management presentations and Q&A

13.00-14.00            Lunch

Locations:             Fotografiska
                       Stadsgårdshamnen 24 (entrance next to the water)
                       116 45 Stockholm

                       60 Threadneedle Street
                       London EC2R 8HP

The presentations in Stockholm will be held in both Scandinavian and English.
All presentations in London will be held in English. Please confirm your
participation to fredrik.nilsson@aak.com no later than October 25, 2013.
For further information, please contact:
Fredrik Nilsson, Director Group Controlling and Investor Relations
Phone: + 46 40 627 83 34
Mobile: + 46 708 95 22 21
The information is that which AarhusKarlshamn AB (publ) is obliged to publish
under the provisions of the Stock Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and/or
the Trading in Financial Instruments Act. The information was released to the
media for publication on September 20, 2013 at 09.00 am CET.

AarhusKarlshamn is one of the world’s leading producers of high value-added
speciality vegetable fats. These fats are characterized by a high technological
content and are used as substitute for butter-fat and cocoa butter, transfree
solutions for fillings in chocolate and confectionery products, and in the
cosmetics industry. AarhusKarlshamn has production facilities in Denmark,
Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, Uruguay and the US. The company
is organised in three Business Areas; Food Ingredients, Chocolate and
Confectionery Fats and Technical Products & Feed. Further information on
AarhusKarlshamn can be found on the company’s website www.aak.com.

