HKScan lowers its 2013 outlook – new development programme launched

HKScan Corporation               Stock Exchange Release         25 September 2013, at 8:00 am


HKScan lowers its 2013 outlook – new development programme launched  

HKScan lowers its outlook for 2013. According to the new guidance, the comparable EBIT for 2013, excluding non-recurring items, will fall short of last year. In the previous outlook, EBIT was estimated to improve from 2012. The outlook has deteriorated mainly due to longer-than-foreseen export challenges and continuing low price levels in export sales. In addition, consumption of lower-priced meat products has increased significantly relative to products made of higher-grade meat on all home markets, especially in Finland. HKScan will publish its interim report for January-September 2013 on 6 November 2013.

A new development programme launched

In April 2012, HKScan launched a development programme to run until the end of 2013 covering all its operations in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and the Baltics. The programme aimed to achieve an annual profit improvement exceeding EUR 20 million as well as a significant reduction in capital employed. Both targets will be exceeded by the end of the year.

HKScan has launched a new Group-wide development programme that will run until the end of 2014, targeting an annual profit improvement exceeding EUR 20 million and a reduction of over EUR 50 million in net debt. The main objectives of the launched development programme are to continue building a unified Group, efficient utilisation of Group synergies, and a demand-driven management of operations. In addition, the programme involves structural changes in business to improve profitability.

Brand work to be started

As part of its brand strategy, HKScan is launching a Group-wide project to utilise its top-performing local product- and packaging innovations as well as recipes in a more efficient way. The Group will also increase cross-border utilisation of production capacity. Sales will additionally be sought through innovative branded products and concepts. HKScan’s new Group-level marketing organisation, founded in August 2013, will be responsible for the project.


HKScan Corporation
Hannu Kottonen

Further information is available from Hannu Kottonen, CEO, HKScan Corporation and Tuomo Valkonen, CFO, HKScan Corporation. Kindly submit a call-back request through Elina Hollo, Communications Manager, Financial Communications and IR, tel. +358 40 570 4030 or +358 10 570 2133.

HKScan is one of the leading food companies in northern Europe, with home markets in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, the Baltic countries and Poland. HKScan manufactures, sells and markets pork and beef, poultry products, processed meats and convenience foods under strong brand names. Its customers are the retail, food service, industrial and export sectors. In 2012, it had net sales of EUR 2.5 billion and some 11 000 employees.

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