Correction: Investeringsforeningen Alfred Berg Invest Global Minimum Variance – change of name to Investeringsforeningen Absalon Invest Global Minimum Variance



Investeringsforeningen Alfred Berg Invest Global Minimum Variance – change of name to Investeringsforeningen Absalon Invest Global Minimum Variance


On 8 October 2013 NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen published an exchange notice on the implementation of the name change of Investeringsforeningen Alfred Berg Invest to Investeringsforeningen Absalon Invest as per 10 October 2013.

Unfortunately, the ISIN relating to the sub-fund Alfred Berg Invest Global Minimum Variance is not correct.


The correct ISIN is DK0010248764, see table below.


ISIN: DK0010248764
Name: Alfred Berg Invest Global Minimum Variance
New name: Absalon Invest Global Minimum Variance
Unchanged short name: ABIGLMV
Unchanged orderbook ID: 3756



For further information please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. (+45) 33 93 33 6


Alfred Berg Invest - rettelse af ISIN - uk.pdf