Prostate Cancer Treatment - Robotic Oncology
Source: RoboticOncology

Erectile Dysfunction and Sex After Prostate Cancer

Robotic prostate surgery and ED medication can optimize an enjoyable return to sex after prostate cancer, says expert, David Samadi, MD

New York, NY, Oct. 11, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- While the use of erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs such as Viagra (sildenafil) is vast, most men would prefer to be sexually potent without the assistance of medication. Whether man-to-man or patient-to-doctor, many Viagra discussions start with, "Will I need Viagra after prostate cancer?" The answer, according to expert robotic prostate surgeon, David Samadi, MD, may be found in the prostate cancer treatment path a man chooses.

ED after prostate cancer is a common concern and much can be read about the impact of prostate cancer treatment on sexual potency. David Samadi, MD, Chairman of Urology, Chief of Robotic Surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital, has performed more than 5,200 SMART (Samadi Modified Advanced Robotic Technique) robotic prostate surgeries, each with the goal of eliminating prostate cancer and preserving quality of life. In large part, that means ensuring his patients enjoy sex after prostate cancer.

According to Dr. Samadi, with SMART Surgery sexual potency is restored in 85 percent of men within 12-24 months of robotic prostate removal surgery. Using his custom surgical techniques, Dr. Samadi is able to remove the walnut-size prostate gland without damaging the surrounding and highly delicate nerve bundles. That nerve preservation is precisely what helps men recover sexually.

Dr. Samadi routinely recommends that patients try oral ED medication after surgery. He believes those drugs are effective in helping men achieve erections after prostate cancer treatment and can actually play an important role in penile and erectile rehabilitation.

"Sexual recovery after prostate cancer surgery is equal parts effort, confidence, and intimacy. A little boost from Viagra or other ED medications goes a long way," he said.

But rather than depend on Viagra to save the day, Dr. Samadi encourages men and their partners to research prostate cancer treatment methods fully. By choosing a minimally invasive procedure like robotic prostate surgery, men may optimize their return to a natural sex life after prostate cancer.

In an American Society for Radiation Oncology report, risk of erectile dysfunction increased 40 percent after radiation therapy. In men with diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia, that risk jumped to nearly 75 percent, In contrast, only 15 percent of Dr. Samadi's SMART Surgery patients experience lasting ED symptoms. Dr. Samadi explained, "In the weeks and months after SMART surgery, most men see continued improvement in erection strength and frequency."

After prostate cancer radiation, erections do not usually improve with time. Patients who elect radiation may require long-term or permanent assistance with Viagra or other ED treatments."

While the goal is to help each patient resume spontaneous and natural erections, men must be realistic about pre-existing ED and age. Working closely with patients and their partners, Dr. Samadi assists men with ED medication and even penile implant referrals, should potency issues persist.

"SMART surgery is the only treatment that definitively removes the prostate cancer tumor without overlooking quality of life. Successful recovery requires both," concluded Dr. Samadi

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