PledPharma reports results from the MANAMI-study in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Stockholm, 2013-10-14 08:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  


In a small clinical (feasibility) study recently completed at the Regional Hospital Ryhov in Jönköping, headed by chief physician and assistant professor Jan-Erik Karlsson, mangafodipir was given as an adjunct to balloon dilatation (PCI) in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Ten patients received intravenous (iv) infusion of mangafodipir and 10 patients received saline (placebo). All patients experienced their first episode of serious infarction (STEMI). They were transferred to the PCI laboratory for assessment of coronary artery occlusion and reduction of blood flow to the ischemic region. Mangafodipir or saline was given iv over 2-5 min just prior to PCI and reopening of the occluded artery.

Patients tolerated iv infusion of mangafodipir well without any side-effects. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at ambulant control showed a tendency of smaller infarcts (26% vs. 32% for the placebo group) and improved cardiac pump function (48% vs. 42% for the placebo group) in those who received mangafodipir. This was in spite of an odd distribution between groups in disfavor of mangafodipir. Thus the mangafodipir group had a significant longer period of chest pain (206 min vs. 144 min for the placebo group) prior to PCI. The complete study results will be presented in forthcoming scientific publications.

"The study shows that a PLED substance like mangafodipir can be given safely to seriously ill cardiac patients. Another positive finding was the PLED substance showed a tendency to reduce myocardial infarct size and to improve contractile function. However, the results needs to be confirmed in further clinical studies to ascertain that PLED substances protect the heart when used as an adjunct to PCI in treatment of AMI", says assistant professor Jan-Erik Karlsson.


For further information please contact:

Jacques Näsström, CEO PledPharma, phone +46 73 713 09 79

See also, complementing press release “PledPharma evaluates commercial potential of myocardial infarction indication”

About PledPharma
PledPharma is a Swedish specialty pharma company that develops PledOx® for prevention of severe chemotherapy-induced side effects in cancer patients. Due to these side effects optimal treatment cannot be carried out. The current market for supportive cancer care is some SEK 72 billion. PledOx protects normal cells against oxidative stress. It belongs to a group of compounds named lowMEM (low Molecular Enzyme Mimetics), and mimics the enzyme Manganese SuperOxide Dismutase (MnSOD) – the most important endogenous cellular protectant against devastating oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a condition caused by harmful oxygen/nitrogen molecules, e.g., as a result of chemotherapy treatment. The company is also evaluating opportunities of using PLED substances in other diseases. PledPharma (STO:PLED) is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North. Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag is the Certified Adviser. For further information, please visit



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