Source: Simulmedia

Simulmedia Adds Nielsen Buyer Insights to World's Largest Database of TV Viewing Habits

NBI Gives Simulmedia Audience Network's Guaranteed TV Ad Campaigns Exceptional Reach Against Major Spending Categories

NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Simulmedia, a targeted television advertising company, today announced that it has entered into a license agreement with Nielsen to add purchase data from Nielsen Buyer Insights (NBI) to Simulmedia Audience Network's guaranteed TV ad campaigns.

NBI reflects anonymized panelist purchasing behavior representative of 24 billion transactions, $2 trillion in annual sales primarily from the retail, travel, digital, restaurant, entertainment, financial services, telecom, discount store and gas station categories. This follows a similar agreement with TiVo Research and Analytics, Inc (TRA) which now provides Simulmedia with purchase data from 37 million shopper cards used at 20 grocery retail chains, 115 million auto registrations, and prescription data from more than 1.6 billion prescription orders.

"Once again, this is all about activation," says Dave Morgan, Simulmedia's CEO. "The industry has long had great purchased-based research and planning databases but, Simulmedia now brings it to market for ad targeting and will guarantee against the actual delivery of specific purchase audiences. NBI is complementary to TRA data, and in combination with our own TV and ad viewing data, the biggest such data set in the world, gives the Simulmedia Audience Network massive reach and depth against every kind of advertiser category. This can be game-changing for current NBI clients that want to seamlessly activate that data."

"Nielsen Buyer Insights connects ads viewed on TV or online with actual consumer purchasing behavior and helps paint a full picture of programming reach against a brand's most desirable customer," says Nada Bradbury, SVP, Nielsen.

For the first time, Simulmedia is able to activate, guarantee, and post/report on actual purchase behavior from NBI and TRA data sets effectively closing the media loop from purchasers targeted to purchasers' ad viewing. This is especially true for advertisers trying to reach broad spending categories such as CPG, automotive, retail, pharmaceutical, travel, digital, restaurant, entertainment, financial services, telecom, discount store and gas station. Simulmedia's purchase data targeting and media delivery guarantees differentiate it from traditional networks, which still only guarantee on age/gender/demo impressions. 

Simulmedia, Inc. ( is a New York City-based television ad targeting company and operates the Simulmedia Audience Network, the world's first data-driven audience network for television.  The company's targeting platform leverages predictive technologies and anonymous viewing data from more than 50 million US TV viewers to help national advertisers and their agencies better reach target audiences, and better measure the results. Simulmedia aggregates TV audiences through partnerships with TV system operators and national networks and reaches all 115 million US TV households. Over the past year, the company has helped more than 30 advertisers and their agencies target, deliver and measure hundreds of campaigns and see results that were 25-300% better than they were able to achieve with traditional TV ad scheduling and targeting methods.