Quarterly Report Vigmed Holding AB, July 1 – September 30, 2013

A private placement of 3.6 million shares (9.5% of 37.6 million shares) has been
conducted in which Vigmed Holding AB raised SEK 25 million in cash and equity.
The shares were subscribed by Bure Equity AB.

The semi-automatic assembly line for the CLiP®Ven products is expected ready for
production start within short, and first deliveries to customers are expected in
the first quarter of 2014. The first fully automatic assembly line is in its
final test phase with the supplier before shipment to HMD Ltd. (India) in
November 2013. Expected production start of this assembly line is January 2014.

Vigmed was granted a utility patent in China for a Y-type I.V. catheter, a
catheter designed for the large Chinese market.

A Contract Manufacturing Agreement was signed with AMB Industri AB for a third
product line, which is planned to be launched in 2015.

The Company has as expected had no income during the quarter, costs and
investments are according to plan.

The Board of Vigmed Holding AB
For further information contact:

CEO Finn Ketler ( 46 42 600 5311).

Please feel free to visit the company’s new website at www.vigmed.com
Vigmed is a Swedish medical technology company whose mission is to eliminate
needlestick injuries by offering the market unique needle-protected products.
Vigmed is headquartered in Helsingborg, Sweden, and has approximately 15
employees. Vigmed’s share is traded on NASDAQ OMX First North in Stockholm
(ticker VIG) and has approximately 5 400 shareholders. Remium Nordic AB is the
Company’s Certified Advisor. Additional information such as company description,
a video presentation and risk factors can be found on Vigmed’s website:


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