Interim report - third quarter 2013

DK-5471 Soendersoe, 2013-11-04 14:28 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

SP Group generated profit before tax and non-controlling interests of DKK 36.4 million in 9M 2013, against DKK 28.3 million in 9M 2012. Revenue was down by 1.2% year on year to DKK 812.9 million, while EBITDA was up by 13.5% to DKK 84.4 million from DKK 74.3 million. EPS jumped 38.3% to DKK 14.18. We upgrade our guidance for FY 2013 and narrow the guidance range relative to the guidance provided in Annual Report 2012: We now expect profit before tax and non-controlling interests for 2013 of DKK 45–50m instead of the previous guidance of 'a slight increase relative to 2012 (DKK 41.6m)' and slightly higher revenue than in 2012 (DKK 1,109 million), but market prospects remain unclear.



Meddelelse nr  64 - Q3 2013 - 04 11 13 - ENG.pdf