Reporting of transactions involving shares in Ambu A/S

In pursuance of Section 28 a, Subsection 5 of the Danish Securities Trading Act (Værdipapirhandelsloven), Ambu A/S hereby reports the following information, which the company has received on 19 November 2013:

Name: Lars  Marcher
Reason: President & CEO
Company name: Ambu A/S
ID code and designation of securities concerned: DK0010303619
B shares
Nature of transaction: Sale of shares from option programme established in October 2009.
Trading date and market: 19 November 2013 via OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen
No. of shares traded and market price thereof: 32,000 shares at a market price of
DKK 7,776,000


Yours sincerely

Ambu A/S


Michael Højgaard







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