Changes in the Management Board

The Management Board of Arctic Paper S.A. herewith informs that on November 27,
2013 the Company’s Supervisory Board appointed Ms. Małgorzata Majewska-Śliwa as
a new Member of the Management Board effective from November 27, 2013 and Mr.
Wolfgang Lübbert, acting President of the Management Board, to the position of
the President of the Management Board.

Małgorzata Majewska-Śliwa has over 20 years’ experience in corporate financial
management. In her career she has worked for such companies as Coca-Cola West
Poland sp. z o.o. as Director of Administration and Control and Herlitz sp. z
o.o. as Director of Finance and Control. In 1996–1999 she was employed at Arctic
Paper Kostrzyn, where in 1997 she was CFO and a member of the management board.
From 1999 to 2006 she worked at Exide Technologies S.A., serving from 2001 as
Managing Director, Finance Director and CEO. In 2007 she became a partner at
Centrum Finansowo-Księgowe Progressio.

Małgorzata Majewska-Śliwa is not involved in any activities competitive towards
Arctic Paper S.A., is not a partner in any competitive company or undertaking, a
member of governing bodies of any capital company or any other legal entity in
competition with Arctic Paper S.A. Małgorzata Majewska-Śliwa is not entered in
the register of bad debtors maintained pursuant to the act on the National Court

Wolfgang Lübbert has got university education. In 1989 he graduated in national
economics from the University of Hamburg. Wolfgang Luebbert joined Arctic Paper
1989. He worked several years in the position of Management Director of Arctic
Paper Deutschland GmbH.

Wolfgang Lübbert is not involved in any activities competitive towards Arctic
Paper S.A., is not a partner in any competitive company or undertaking, a member
of governing bodies of any capital company or any other legal entity in
competition with Arctic Paper S.A. Małgorzata Majewska-Śliwa is not entered in
the register of bad debtors maintained pursuant to the act on the National Court
For additional information, please contact:

Olle Grundberg, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Arctic Paper, tel. +46 70
654 44 20

This information is disclosed pursuant to the Minister of Finance directive of
February 19, 2009 on current and periodic information provided by issuers of
securities, and on conditions of equivalence of information required to be
provided under non-Member State law, §5, clause 1, item 22, and was submitted
for publication on 28 November 2013 at 2:00 pm CET, in reference to Arctic
Paper’s current report no. 41/2013 filed with the Warsaw Stock Exchange.