Listing of certificates (40/13)

NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB has decided to officially list the following certificates with effect from December 2, 2013:


Name                                             Short name               Trading code

Kommuninvest                                KOMC 1412              KOMC_1412

Landshypotek AB                            LAHC 1412                LAHC_1412

Länsförsäkringar Bank AB               LFBC 1412               LFBC_1412

Nordea Bank AB                              NBHC 1412              NBHC_1412

SBAB Bank AB                               SBAC 1412                SBAC_1412

SEB AB                                           SEBC 1412               SEBC_1412

Stadshypotek AB                            SHYC 1412                SHYC_1412

Swedbank AB                                  SWBC 1412              SWBC_1412

Swedbank Hypotek AB                    SWHC 1412             SWHC_1412

Svenska Handelsbanken AB           SHBC 1412              SHBC_1412

Sveriges Riksbank                           RIXC 1412                RIXC_1412



The instruments will be registered on STO Commercial Papers.


For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Andreas Jensen or Patrik Hellgren, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or