Committee's decision on Tallink Grupp

Tallinn, Estonia, 2013-12-04 15:32 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

On December 3, 2013, the Listing and Surveillance Committee of NASDAQ OMX Tallinn decided to impose a fine in the amount of 1 000 euros to AS Tallink Grupp for violation of NASDAQ OMX Tallinn rules and regulations chapter Requirements for Issuers (hereinafter RI) clauses 1.2.1, 7.6 and 2.4.1.



According to RI clause 1.2.1 the Issuer is obliged to secure disclosure of information stated in RI in such a form and within such time limits as specified in RI.

According to RI clause 7.6 the Issuer, except for an Issuer that is a credit or financial institutions with regard to those issues of debt securities that can be considered daily economic operations of the Issuer, is obliged to disclose information about the intended issue of debt securities. The disclosed information shall contain at least the following details: the number, nominal value, maturity and interest rate of the debt securities to be issued; any guarantee or security given in respect of performing the obligations arising from the Issuer’s debt securities; the subscription conditions and issue price of the debt securities.

According to RI clause 2.4.1 information is deemed disclosed when it is made public as a notice through the Exchange Information System.


On June 3, 2013 at 16:51, AS Tallink Grupp published an Exchange Announcement, disclosing information about successful completion of private placement of bonds. Previously, information about intention to issue debt securities was not disclosed.


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