Source: Auriga Industries A/S

Auriga, Reporting of insider transaction

Auriga Industries A/S, Harboøre, Denmark, 2013-12-07 13:59 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  


Company announcement no. 16/2013

December 7, 2013



Reporting of insider transaction

In accordance with Section 28a of the Danish Securities Trading Act (Lov om værdipapirhandel), Auriga is obliged to inform about tradings in the Auriga share by the members of the Board of Directors, Executive Board and their related parties.

Auriga received a notification regarding the acquisition of Auriga shares as follows: 


Name Jørgen Jensen
Reason Member of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee
Issuer Auriga Industries A/S
ID code (ISIN) DK0010233816
Securities Shares
Type Related parties’ buying of Auriga shares
Date November 20, 2013
Market NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Number 20 shares
Value (DKK) DKK 3,830.00




Investor Relations



Facts about Auriga

Auriga Industries A/S is the listed parent company of Cheminova A/S, which is the wholly owned operating company domiciled in Denmark. Cheminova is developing, producing and marketing chemical crop protection products. All activities are carried out with due consideration for the environment and in compliance with ever higher sustainability standards. The products are sold in more than 100 countries, and 99% of sales are generated outside Denmark. In 2012, the group posted revenue of approx. DKK 6.3 billion and has more than 2,100 employees in a global organization with subsidiaries in 23 countries.



