Source: Equinor ASA

Statoil: Statoil's share saving plan allocates shares

The shares purchased by DNB on behalf of Statoil ASA (OSE:STL, NYSE:STO) on 10 December 2013 for use in the group's share saving plan have on 12 December 2013 been distributed to the employees in accordance with their savings amount.

Following this, the share saving plan has 9,734,733 shares.

As participants in the share saving plan, the primary insiders below have been allocated shares.

Name Allocated
New share
share price
Adams, Robert 744 9,357 NOK 134.09
Bacher, Lars Christian 807 18,208 NOK 134.09
Bjørn, Benedikte Bettina 98 1,092 NOK 134.09
Di Valero, Ingrid Elisabeth 161 1,778 NOK 135.84
Dodson, Timothy 606 19,843 NOK 134.09
Gjærum, Reidar 558 18,958 NOK 134.09
Hilland, Jannicke 394 9,489 NOK 138.80
Hovden, Magne Andre 506 7,522 NOK 134.09
Klouman, Hans Henrik 806 15,330 NOK 134.09
Knight, John Nicholas 1,263 51,349 NOK 134.09
Kvelvane, Ørjan 288 1,709 NOK 134.09
Lund, Helge 605 61,151 NOK 134.09
Lægreid, Stig 144 1,519 NOK 135.84
Michelsen, Øystein 785 24,075 NOK 134.09
Nafstad, Hilde Merete 367 5,286 NOK 134.09
Reitan, Torgrim 645 20,301 NOK 134.09
Skeie, Svein 643 15,553 NOK 134.09
Sætre, Eldar 605 25,960 NOK 134.09
Øvrum, Margareth 977 32,327 NOK 134.09

As participant in the Statoil US Employee Share Savings plan, the Statoil ASA primary-insider Mr. William Maloney has been allocated shares on 12 December 2013, at an average price of USD 22.61:

Name Allocated shares* New shareholding*
Maloney, William 986.973887 31,135.933349

*American Depositary Receipts (ADR)

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.