Resumed trading and observation status for the shares in PetroGrand AB (288/13)

With reference to the press release published by PetroGrand AB, December 13, 2013, at 08:53, the trading in the shares of PetroGrand AB (PETRO, ISIN Code SE0001587593, Order Book ID 49922) will start with a auction at 09:30 CET followed by continuous trading from 09:40 CET.

The current rules of NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB state that a company listed on First North can be given observation status if there is any other circumstance exists that results in substantial uncertainty regarding the Company or the pricing of its financial instruments traded on First North. With reference to what is stated above NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB has decided that the shares in PetroGrand AB (PETRO, ISIN Code SE0001587593, Order Book ID 49922) will be given observation status. The shares will be given observation status with effect from today December 13, 2013.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Anna Jansson or Patrik Hellgren, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or