IT - INET Prod - Changes related to review of OBX in four Norwegian shares on December 20, 2013 (103/13)

Due to a semi-annual review of constituents in Oslo Börs OBX index, tick size tables for four Norwegian shares will be changed on December 20, 2013.

Change in INET Nordic reference data

a) New tick size for the shares removed from the OBX index will be “Equities, NOK” (tick size table ID: 208)


Instrument Full Name ISIN Symbol Order Book ID
Electromagnetic Geoservices NO0010358484 EMGSo 88833
Polarcus KYG7153K1085 PLCSo 89289


b) New tick size for the shares entering to the OBX index will be “Equities, NOK Liquid” (tick size table ID: 207)


Instrument Full Name ISIN Symbol Order Book ID
Golden Ocean Group BMG4032A1045 GOGLo 63630
Opera Software NO0010040611 OPERAo 88881


INET Nordic Production change procedure and consequences

These changes will take effect in INET Nordic PROD and GCF reference data as of Friday December 20, 2013.

Overnight/GTC orders in order books EMGSo, PLCSo, GOGLo and OPERA with no valid tick size will be rounded to match valid tick size or automatically rejected on pre-trade on December 20, 2013, based on member’s chosen preferences.

For specific details about tick size tables, please review Appendix F in NASDAQ OMX Nordic market model.


For questions and assistance regarding this Exchange Notice, as well as any technical queries, please contact NASDAQ OMX Tech Support at: +46 8 405 64 10,


Best regards,



IT Notice Changes to four NOK shares 122013 .pdf