Source: Tryg A/S

Tryg A/S ends share buy back programme

On 15 March 2013, Tryg initiated a share buy back programme in compliance with the EU Commission Regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003, the so-called Safe Harbour Regulative for share buy back.

Under the programme, Tryg should purchase own shares for an amount of DKK 800m in the period from 15 March 2013 to 30 December 2013.

Since the announcement of 16 December 2013, the following transactions have been made under the share buy back programme:  

  Number of shares Average
purchase price
value (DKK)
16 December 2013  5,000 492.84 2,464,185
17 December 2013  5,875 484.72 2,847,705
18 December 2013 17,798 484.92 8,630,521
19 December 2013 12,375 498.88 6,173,677

41,048 490.06 20,116,088

Since the share buy back programme was initiated on 15 March 2013, the total number of repurchased shares is 1,620,587 and at a total amount of DKK 800m. Thereby the share buy back programme has ended 19 December 2013.

After the completion of the share buy back programme, Tryg owns a total of 1,952,947 shares, corresponding to 3.2%. The total amount of shares in Tryg is 61,316,103. Adjusted for own shares the number of shares is 59,363,156.

Additional information

For further information visit or contact Investor Relations;

  • Investor Relations Director Lars Møller on +45 22 66 66 05 or
  • Investor Relations Manager Peter Brondt on +45 22 75 89 04 or