Source: Lagercrantz Group AB

Lagercrantz finalizes the acquisition of El-produkter in Norway

As announced 3 December 2013, Lagercrantz Group entered into an agreement to
acquire all shares outstanding in Norwegian company El-produkter AS.

The acquisition of El-produkter has today closed, after obtaining approval from
the Norwegian competition authority (Konkurransetilsynet). The company has
aggregate annual sales of approx. MNOK 50 and will be part of Lagercrantz
Group’s division Electronics.

Lagercrantz Group has during the period December 2012 up to and including
December 2013 acquired four companies with an annual turnover of approx. MSEK
240 with good profitability:

  · Elkapsling AB (division Mechatronics)
  · Frontwall (asset deal to Sv. Stålinredning AB in division Niche Products)
  · Asept International AB (division Niche Products)
  · El-produkter AS (division Electronics)

Stockholm 27 December 2013

Lagercrantz Group AB (publ)
For additional information, contact:

Jörgen Wigh, President & CEO, Lagercrantz Group AB, telephone +46 70 569 5477
Ulf Gladh, Vice President Electronics, Lagercrantz Group AB, telephone +46 70
673 0727
This information is being published in accordance with the Securities Markets
Act, the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments or the regulations of NASDAQ
OMX Stockholm. The information herein was provided for publication at 14:15, 27
December 2013.

Lagercrantz Group is a technology group that offers world-leading, value
-creating technology, using either proprietary products or products from leading
suppliers. The group is comprised of more than 30 companies, each with a focus
on a specific sub-market – a niche. A high value-creation is common to all the
subsidiaries, including a high degree of customisation, support, service and
other services.
Lagercrantz Group is active in seven countries in Northern Europe, and in China.
The Group has approximately 1000 employees and annual revenue of approximately
MSEK 2,500. The Company is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 2001.