Dune Medical Devices
Source: Dune Medical Devices

MarginProbe(R) Data Presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium

MarginProbe Significantly Improves Detection of Positive Margins Regardless of Margin Depth Definition

WESTBOROUGH, Mass., Jan. 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Results of the MarginProbe pivotal study were presented during the 2013 CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. The results were presented by Dr. Mark Gittleman, Past President of the American Society of Breast Surgeons. The study reports an analysis of the benefit along a range of what constitutes a positive margin following breast cancer lumpectomy surgery, from 0 to 5 millimeters. Independent of how positive margins were defined, adjunctive use of the MarginProbe offered surgeons a significant improvement in the ability to identify and resect positive margins.

"This is an important topic, as there is significant controversy and disagreement over what constitutes a positive margin," said Dr. Gittleman. "These results clearly tell us that, regardless of the definition of positive margins used at a given center, utilizing the MarginProbe System will significantly improve the ability to identify positive margins during the initial lumpectomy surgery, allowing the surgeon to address positive margins at the time of the initial surgery, thereby eliminating additional re-excision surgery at a later date."

"The MarginProbe System was designed with the current state of breast cancer surgery in mind," said Dan Hashimshony, CEO of Dune Medical Devices. "Regardless of the positive margin definition a hospital chooses, they stand to benefit from the use of the MarginProbe System. We are pleased to see these data, which support the growing experience of MarginProbe users in the real world."

About Dune Medical Devices

Dune Medical Devices was founded in 2002 by Dr. Dan Hashimshony to realize the extraordinary medical potential of its proprietary tissue characterization technology. Offering surgeons and radiologists the real time ability to identify cancerous tissues and react immediately, this technology holds the promise for a broad range of surgical and diagnostic applications. 

Dune Medical Devices is a privately held company with offices in the U.S. and Israel. For more information, please visit www.dunemedical.com.