Source: North Media A/S

Group EBIT expectations before special items are adjusted upwards, arriving at approx. DKK 60 million for 2013

Company announcement no. 01-14

14 January 2014


Based on improved advertisement sales and increased volumes of printed matter for Q4 2013 and an improved performance for the Online segment, Group EBIT expectations before special items for 2013 are adjusted upwards from DKK 30 to DKK 40 million to approx. DKK 60 million.

For 2013, special items are expected to total approx. negative DKK 20 million, attributable to a partial write-down of the value of goodwill and the building in Helsingør, Denmark.

Accordingly, EBIT inclusive of special items is expected to be approx. DKK 40 million for 2013.

Due to a heavily increasing pricing pressure and continued uncertainty regarding the tax on printed matter, the market in which FK Distribution operates is characterised by low predictability. Given this, Group EBIT before special items for 2014 is expected to be on a par with that of 2013.

North Media A/S still expects to publish the 2013 Annual Report on 7 February 2014.

Please contact Lars Nymann Andersen, Chief Executive Officer, at +45 39 57 70 00 for further information.

Yours faithfully
North Media A/S


Lars Nymann Andersen
Chief Executive Officer