Source: Aspo Plc

Notice of change in Aspo holdings pursuant to Chapter 2 Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act

ASPO Plc                STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE     January 23, 2014, at 16:00  

Aatos Vehmas has announced that his holdings have decreased below five per cent (5%) of the share capital and the voting rights in Aspo Plc. The notification contains the following information:

1) Name of the company: Aspo Plc (Business ID 1547798-7)

2) Date of change of ownership: January 21, 2014.

3) Exact share of voting rights and share capital in Aspo Plc:

Aatos Vehmas has decreased his ownership by 300,000 shares and the corresponding 300,000 voting rights.

Following the transfer Aatos Vehmas owns shares in Aspo Plc as follows:
Number of shares: 1,343,394
% of share capital: 4.34%
% of votes: 4.34%

The total registered number of the shares in Aspo Plc is 30,967,450 which entitles to a total of 30,967,450 votes.

4) Complete name of the shareholder: Aatos Ensio Vehmas.

5) Further information:

The amount of shares now transferred corresponds to 0.97% of the total number of shares in Aspo Plc.

Aatos Vehmas has notified to Aspo that the shares have been transferred as part of an internal arrangement of Vehmas family's ownership. The Aspo ownership of the Vehmas family will continue as the transferee of the votes will remain a committed long-term shareholder in the company. The transfer does not trigger any notification thresholds on the part of the transferee.


Aki Ojanen     

For more information, please contact
Arto Meitsalo, CFO of Aspo Plc, +358 9 521 4020, arto.meitsalo(a)

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Aspo is a conglomerate that owns and develops business operations in the Northern Europe and growth markets focusing on demanding B-to-B customers. Our strong company brands - ESL Shipping, Leipurin, Telko and Kaukomarkkinat - aim to be the market leaders in their sectors. They are responsible for their own operations, customer relationships, and the development of these. Together they generate Aspo's goodwill. Aspo's Group structure and business operations are continually developed without any predefined schedules.