Source: CreAgri, Inc.

CreAgri Inc., and Germany's Eurochem Feinchemie GmbH Sign Agreement to Propel HIDROX(R) Into Central European Market

HAYWARD, Calif., Jan. 23, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CreAgri, Inc., the world leader in the production of organic olive polyphenols and Hydroxytyrosol, and Munich's Eurochem Feinchemie GmbH, a leading European distributor of bioactive nutrients to the nutraceutical and health and wellness industries, announced today that they have reached an exclusive agreement for the distribution of the award winning Hidrox® in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

"Countries of Middle Europe, Germany, Austria and Switzerland are markets for which CreAgri has much hope," affirmed Roberto Crea, PhD, inventor of Hidrox®, and founder and CEO of California based CreAgri, Inc. "Eurochem Feinchemie will be soon marketing the healing power of the "all natural", solvent free formulation of hydroxytyrosol to the region's dietary, skincare, food and beverages industries. HIDROX® will provide its users with the opportunity to leverage upon the broad anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immune-modulating activities of HIDROX® for the management of health conditions affecting joints, skin and cardiovascular system and to sustain the body's innate immune response to environmental insults."

The multi-year agreement, which includes joint research and development, contemplates also the creation of new products to be introduced in Europe soon.

HIDROX® proven anti-inflammatory activity will be formulated to relieve skin itching and redness, and reduce pain and swelling while providing anti-bacterial protection from opportunistic bacteria causing secondary skin infections.

"We are extremely excited about the excellent prospects of HIDROX® in our markets," says Oliver Schulz, B.Sc., founder and scientific director of Eurochem. "It is very rare for us to take on innovative materials that have such a well-documented scientific base. The cooperation with CreAgri, Inc. for HIDROX® comes at the perfect time when the significance of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and its emphasis on inflammation control of its components has been widely recognized. And HIDROX™ is in our belief the core of the success of the Med diet!"

"Dr. Roberto Crea and a team of excellent scientists have developed an all-natural olive extract – trademarked "HIDROX®" with a patented "green" production method - that is capable of controlling inflammatory processes of all kinds," affirms Anja Schalin, Eurochem co-founder and Business Director. "The California-based company has been marketing a whole range of successful products based on its unique olive extract for almost ten years in the USA and the Far East and has now decided to partner with Eurochem to develop the central European markets of Germany, Austria and Switzerland."

With a wide customer base in the areas of dietary supplements, functional foods, sports nutrition and cosmetics, Eurochem has successfully introduced many new compounds to the relevant industries for the very first time. Ingredients such as mineral chelates, natural compounds from rice, OPCs from pine bark and grape seed, vitamin K2, etc. that now are integral part of successful nutritional products in the centre of Europe.

About Eurochem Feinchemie GmbH

Eurochem Feinchemie GmbH was founded in June 1994 by Oliver Schulz and Anja Schalin with the intention to market new and innovative ingredients with scientifically backed and proven benefits for the consumer. Being in its 20th year, Eurochem is still privately held and run by its original founders. The company represents leading manufacturers from the United States, Japan, Israel and Europe with a versatile and complete program. Among the partner companies are world leaders in their classes, such as Albion, Utah, DRT, France, Oryza, Japan, Viridis, India. Eurochem's focus has always been on a science-based marketing that helps its clients to create formulations that work.

About Creagri

CREAGRI® Inc., a California company, is the leading manufacturer of HIDROX® a proprietary hydroxytyrosol-rich ingredient. Its goal is to promote health and wellness by creating superior natural products that strike a balance between nature and technology. The Company develops science-based processes that are environmentally friendly and compatible with sustainable agricultural practices. CreAgri has obtained several Patents in the USA and Europe for its HIDROX® manufacturing process and composition of matter.