Source: N2EX

IT Release timetable for the introduction of new products into the N2EX Day-ahead auction.

Lysaker, 29 Jan 2014

N2EX are pleased to announce the launch of additional products and features in the N2EX day-ahead auction on 31st March 2014. This product release will ensure N2EX has the most extensive product offering of all the European power exchanges.

What’s new?

  • We have extended our Flexi Order to include blocks as well as single hours; these can also now be submitted as both bids & offers.
  • We are introducing Profile Block orders and the ability to link profile blocks which allow you to create a buy or sell block with different volumes in each period to create the required block shape.

  • We are introducing Exclusive Group orders which provide the flexibility to submit a group of blocks orders with different volumes and prices to represent different plant production patterns.  The block that achieves the best overall value (price condition + contribution to overall social welfare) is accepted.

  • In addition we are introducing functionality allowing you to partially fill your blocks to reduce the risk of being paradoxically rejected.

Further details of these products can be found within the NWE – Information for N2EX members document or by contacting us directly.

Will there be any training on the new products?

N2EX would like to offer training to all N2EX members via bilateral meeting or WebEx sessions. The training should take no longer than 1 hr and can be arranged by emailing your account manager Emma McKiernan


When will these products be available? 

Release Dates

Release Release Date
Installation in the Member Test environment 10th March 2014
Installation in the Production environment 31st March 2014


Member Testing

Members will be free to carry out any necessary testing in the test environment from 10th March onwards. N2EX will also host a series three test auctions each day between the 10th March and 15th March on the times below, where we encourage all market participants to participate. Further information will follow closer to the test dates


Testing schedule May 10th – 15th
09:30 (results published at 10:00)
12:30 (results published at 13:00)
14:30 (results published at 15:00)


Supporting IT Documentations

Document Publication date
Draft API document 5th February 2014
Final API Document 25th February 2014
SAPRI User Guide 10th March 2014



For further information, please contact:

N2EX Trading Operations, tel +44 207 065 8140/+47 6710 9190,