Source: Cemat A/S

Topsil to expand its activities in Japan

No. 01-14

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen
Nikolaj Plads 6
DK- 1067 Copenhagen K 

 30th January 2014



Topsil to expand its activities in Japan

Topsil today signed an agreement with Japanese Electronics and Materials Corporation Ltd. (E&M). The agreement covers market development and sales of Topsil’s ultrapure silicon to the strategically important Japanese market. E&M will collaborate closely with Topsil’s recently established Japanese subsidiary.

The new agreement marks a strengthened presence of Topsil in Japan. It will grant Topsil access to the comprehensive customer base of E&M in a geographical market attaching great importance to personal relations. Furthermore, E&M’s long-standing silicon experience combined with Topsil’s local presence constitute a platform for offering optimum technical customer support in Japan.

The agreement takes effect as of today. No special terms are applied to the contract.

Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to the Company's CEO through Ms Christina Fris Bjørling, Communications Manager, tel.: +45 2152 1011,

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards

Topsil Semiconductor Materials A/S 


Jens Borelli-Kjær                                               Kalle Hvidt Nielsen
Chairman of the Board of Directors                      CEO 


This announcement has been prepared in Danish and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancy between the Danish text and the English-language translation, the Danish version will prevail.

         Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to the Company's CEO through Ms Christina Fris Bjørling, Communications Manager, tel.: +45 2152 1011,
