IT – INET Nordic PROD – Enhancements to the Pre-trade Risk Management (PRM) Service on February 10, 2014 (9/14)

NASDAQ OMX Nordic's Pre-trade Risk Management (PRM) provides member firms with the ability to facilitate pre-trade protection on both FIX/OUCH on INET Nordic. As of February 10, 2014 NASDAQ OMX Nordic will introduce the following enhancements to its Pre-trade Risk Management (PRM) service:
- Fat Finger control during auctions
- Market order prevention during auctions
The service is available in the test environment on January 31, 2014.

Fat Finger control during auctions
By enabling this control it is possible to compare the price of an incoming order against the last sale price. If the price deviate more than a given threshold percentage the order is automatically rejected. The functionality applies to orders entered or modified during all auction types, i.e. including intra-day auctions.

Market order prevention during auctions
This function allows the member to specify with which PRM accounts are prohibited from entering market orders during the auction period. It applies to all auction types.  

Production PRM, Pre Trade Risk Management add-ons
Fat-finger Control for Auctions EUR 100 per PRM Account/month
Market Order Prevention During Auctions EUR 100 per PRM Account/month


How to order?

To subscribe to the PRM Service or activate the new controls please contact:


More information

More details about the new PRM services can be found at:

For further information and feedback concerning this information please contact your Key Account Manager or



Best regards,



NASDAQ OMX Nordic is not legal entity but describes the common offering from NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Iceland.



IT Exchange Notice 9-14 INET PRM Enhancements February 10 2014_.pdf