Source: Tallink Grupp

Statistics for January 2014

Tallinn, 2014-02-05 09:03 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Statistics for January 2014

In January 2014 AS Tallink Grupp transported 560 587 passengers which is nearly a 1% increase compared to January 2013. The number of passenger vehicles increased more than 6% to 71 446 and the number of trucks and trailers increased over 15% to 24 577 units in same comparison.

AS Tallink Grupp’s passenger, cargo unit and passenger car numbers for January were the following:

  January 2014 January 2013 change
Passengers 560 587 556 813 0.7%
Finland-Sweden 152 344 166 833 -8.7%
Estonia-Finland 284 913 263 974 7.9%
Estonia-Sweden 72 421 77 671 -6.8%
Latvia-Sweden 50 909 48 335 5.3%
Cargo Units 24 577 21 299 15.4%
Finland-Sweden 6 997 7 678 -8.9%
Estonia-Finland 13 320 9 239 44.2%
Estonia-Sweden 2 895 3 051 -5.1%
Latvia-Sweden 1 365 1 331 2.6%
Passenger Vehicles 71 446 67 327 6.1%
Finland-Sweden 7 191 7 434 -3.3%
Estonia-Finland 52 289 49 116 6.5%
Estonia-Sweden 5 144 4 948 4.0%
Latvia-Sweden 6 822 5 829 17.0%

The following operational factors influenced the development in January 2014:


In January the cruise ferry Silja Serenade did not operate for 26 days due to scheduled maintenance and reconstruction works, the vessel was not replaced during that time.


In May 2013 the cruise ferry Isabelle replaced the cruise ferry Silja Festival on the Riga-Stockholm route.


         Harri Hanschmidt
         Head of the Financial Department
         AS Tallink Grupp
         Sadama 5/7. 10111 Tallinn
         Tel +372 640 8981