2013 Annual Report: Results-oriented development and execution fortified North Media's business foundation

Company announcement no 02-14

7 February 2014

With group revenue of DKK 1,062 million and EBIT before special items of DKK 63 million, 2013 proved to be a much better year – despite a DKK 37 million decline in earnings – than expected at the onset of the year.

”In 2013, Management’s focus has been on sustaining and enhancing positions in the Print and Online segments. This is done on a regular basis by means of further efficiency improvements, business development and by acquiring activities that support and develop existing positions", says Chief Executive Officer of North Media, Lars Nymann Andersen. “Our goal is to create several strong and profitable business pillars, and by doing so ensure a stable and high earnings level that is less vulnerable to any negative political initiatives or market fluctuations occurring in single market segments. The Group is well on its way to achieve this goal.”

North Media used its strong financial resources in 2013 to develop its business foundation further and launch new initiatives and services. The acquisition of eight local newspapers in the Copenhagen and Frederiksberg areas, the launch of the NoAds+ distribution product, the implementation of BEKEY in the nursing sector and the reduction of Ofir’s loss are examples of initiatives taken in 2013 that will strengthen the Group.

”The effect of these initiatives is in 2014 expected to ensure EBIT before special items on a par with 2013. Earnings are still expected to go down and there is still much uncertainty about the development of the distribution activities, but this will to a large extent be balanced by improved earnings in the newspaper and online activities. The online activities generating losses in 2013 are expected to achieve EBIT break-even by Q2 2015 at the latest,” Lars Nymann Andersen rounds off.

Please contact CEO Lars Nymann Andersen or CFO Kåre Wigh, at +45 39 57 70 00, for further information.

Yours faithfully
North Media A/S

Lars Nymann Andersen
Chief Executive Officer



Annual Report 2013 NM pdf.pdf