H. Lundbeck A/S – admittance to trading and official listing of new shares due to employee warrant exercise

The share capital of H. Lundbeck A/S has been increased. The admittance to trading and official listing will take effect on 21 February 2014 in the ISIN below.

We refer to the announcements published by H. Lundbeck A/S.


ISIN: DK0010287234
Name: Lundbeck
Volume before change: 196,197,036 shares (DKK 980,985,180)
Change: 65,992 shares (DKK 329.960)
Volume after change: 196,263,028 shares (DKK 981,315,140)
Subscription price, new shares: 32,313 shares at DKK 97
19,551 shares at DKK 102
14,128 shares at DKK 115
Face value: DKK 5
Short name: LUN
Orderbook ID 3853


For further information, please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66



LUN - warrants - febr 2014 - uk.pdf