Source: EQS Group AG

DGAP-News: DIALOG SEMICONDUCTOR REPORTS RESULTS FOR FOURTH QUARTER AND YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013.Company confirms full year revenue growth of 17% and increasing profitability

DGAP-News: Dialog Semiconductor Plc. / Key word(s): Preliminary
31 DECEMBER 2013.Company confirms full year revenue growth of 17% and
increasing profitability

20.02.2014 / 07:30


London, UK, 20 February 2014 - Dialog Semiconductor (FWB: DLG), a provider
of highly integrated innovative power management, audio, AC/DC and short
range wireless technologies, today reports results for its fourth quarter
and year ended 31 December 2013.

Q4 and full year 2013 financial highlights 

  - IFRS Revenue in Q4 up 31% over Q4 2012 at $352 million. Full year IFRS
    revenue at $903 million representing 17% growth over FY 2012

  - Q4 2013 underlying gross margin improved by 290 bps on Q3 2013 to
    42.9%. Underlying gross margin for the full year was 40.4%

  - Q4 2013 underlying(*) EBITDA(**) up 55% over Q4 2012 to $86.2 million
    or 24.4% of revenue. Full year underlying(*) EBITDA(**) up 30% to
    $174.2 million or 19.2% of revenue

  - Q4 2013 underlying EBIT up 62% to $76.4 million or 21.7% of revenue.
    Full year underlying EBIT up 30% to $139.6 million. On an IFRS basis
    full year EBIT was up 13%  to $102.7 million

  - Underlying(*) Q4 2013 diluted EPS up 56% over Q4 2012 to 70 cents. Full
    year underlying(*) diluted EPS up 21% over FY 2012 to $1.44

  - Cash generated from operating activities in Q4 2013 was $46.2 million.
    Full year 2013 cash generated from operating activities was up 111% on
    FY 2012 to $110.7 million; cash and cash equivalents balance as of 31
    December 2013 was $186.0 million

Q4 and full year 2013 operational highlights

  - Continued momentum with power management smartphone and tablet design
    wins,  across new platforms and models at our largest customers

  - Diversification efforts continued with new product launches, new
    application partners added and the continued ramp of new platform
    design wins for power management and audio at Samsung

  - Continued to increase content of our products and achieved an ASP of
    $2.30 in 2013 excluding  Power Conversion products

  - SmartBondTM, the world's smallest and lowest power Bluetooth Smart
    System-on-Chip (SoC) entered volume production

  - SmartWaveTM, our first multi-touch IC, gained traction with a number of

  - Our collaboration with Asia based chipset partners to address their
    local markets continued to build momentum

  - New product rollouts by the Power Conversion Business Group

Commenting on the results Dialog Chief Executive, Dr Jalal Bagherli, said:

'I am very pleased with the exceptional business performance we have
achieved in Q4 and over the full year, delivering uninterrupted annual
revenue growth for the 7th consecutive year, increasing profitability and
outstanding cash generation.

During the year, we grew significantly faster than the industry average
while investing in new product development and innovation. We have laid the
foundations for a more diversified business and we are well placed to build
on the market opportunity open to us in 2014 and beyond.'


Given our current visibility, we expect 2014 to be another year of good
growth. As in previous years, revenue performance will be strongly weighted
towards the second half of the year.

Q1 2014 revenue will reflect the traditional seasonal pattern and deliver
year on year growth. We expect revenue for Q1 2014 to be in the range of
$200 to $215 million.

Gross margin is expected to improve year on year in 2014. In line with the
seasonal lower revenue, gross margin in Q1 2014 will decline sequentially
but improve on a year on year basis.

Financial overview


Underlying                      Fourth Quarter             Full Year
US$ million                   2013   2012  % Var.      2013    2012  % Var.
Revenue                      352.7  267.7    +32%     909.1   773.6     18%
Gross Margin                 42.9%  38.6% +430bps     40.4%   38.0% +240bps
EBITDA                        86.2   55.5    +55%     174.2   134.5    +30%
EBITDA %                     24.4%  20.7% +370bps     19.2%   17.4% +180bps
EBIT                          76.4   47.2    +62%     139.6   107.5    +30%
EBIT %                       21.7%  17.6% +410bps     15.4%   13.9% +150bps
Net income                    52.1   33.9    +54%      97.6    80.0    +22%
Basic EPS $                   0.79   0.52    +52%      1.49    1.24    +20%
Diluted EPS $                 0.70   0.45    +56%      1.44    1.19    +21%

IFRS                             Fourth Quarter            Full Year
US$ million                 2013(1) 2012   % Var.    2013(1)  2012   % Var.
Revenue                      351.8  267.7    +31%     902.9   773.6    +17%
Gross Margin                 42.1%  38.5% +360bps     39.0%   37.8% +120bps
R&D %                        14.5%  13.1% +140bps     17.6%   16.5% +110bps
SG&A %                        8.5%   8.2%  +30bps     10.4%    9.3% +110bps
EBIT                          70.6   44.5    +59%     102.7    91.0    +13%
EBIT %                       20.1%  16.6% +350bps     11.4%   11.8%  -40bps
Net income                    46.6   30.2    +54%      62.2    62.5      0%
Basic EPS $                   0.71   0.46    +54%      0.95    0.97    (2)%
Diluted EPS $                 0.66   0.43    +53%      0.92    0.93    (1)%
Operating cash flow           46.2   53.5   (14)%     110.7    52.4   +111%

(1) Including acquisition and integration costs of $0.5 million in Q4 2013
    and $6.9 million in FY 2013

Underlying revenue in Q4 2013 was $353 million, representing a 32% year on
year increase and a 57% sequential increase over Q3 2013. During December
we saw stronger than anticipated demand in Mobile Systems resulting in
Mobile Systems segment revenues of $745 million for the full year 2013, up
17% on 2012.

Underlying Q4 2013 gross margin was 42.9%, 290bps above the previous
quarter and 430bps above Q4 2012. Underlying FY 2013 gross margin was
40.4%, +240bps improvement on FY 2012 supported by three key elements:

  - The net realisation of the benefits of manufacturing cost optimisation 

  - Positive product mix contribution from the Power Conversion Business
    Group, the Connectivity Segment and new products in Mobile Systems

  - Higher revenue and the subsequent lower allocation per unit of the
    fixed component of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

In Q4 2013 underlying OPEX as percentage of revenue was at 21.2%, broadly
in line with Q4 2012. For the full year, underlying OPEX was 25.0% of
revenue, 90bps above FY 2012 and including the first time consolidation of
iWatt into the Group. On a stand-alone basis, underlying OPEX % for the
traditional Dialog business was broadly in line with FY 2012.

Underlying R&D investment in Q4 2013 stood at 14.1% of revenue, 150bps
above Q4 2012. In line with the company's strategy of continuing innovation
and diversification of our product portfolio, full year underlying R&D as a
percentage of revenue was 17.0%, up 110bps on FY 2012. This was driven by
the first time consolidation of iWatt into the Group and additional R&D
investment in the Connectivity segment during the last quarter of the year.

Underlying SG&A in Q4 2013 stood at 7.2% of revenue, 60bps below Q4 2012.
In 2013 we increased the efficiency of the SG&A organisation. For the full
year, underlying SG&A stood at 8.0%, 20 bps below FY 2012 despite the first
time consolidation of iWatt into the business.

In Q4 2013 we achieved a record IFRS and underlying EBIT of $70.6 million
and $76.4 million respectively, 59% and 62% over Q4 2012. Underlying EBIT
margin in the quarter was 21.7%.The full year underlying EBIT increase of
30% was the result of the improved profitability across all business

In total, a net tax charge of $19.8 million was recorded in Q4 2013. This
represents an effective tax rate for the full year of 31% (FY 2012: 27%),
slightly below our 33% target. In 2014 we expect a gradual decrease in the
tax rate from 31% in 2013 to below 30%.

In Q4 2013, underlying net income and underlying EPS improved sequentially
and year on year. Underlying Diluted EPS in Q4 2013 was 56% higher than in
the same quarter of 2012, resulting in a full year 2013 fully diluted
underlying EPS year on year growth of 21%.

At the end of Q4 2013, our total inventory level was $118 million (or ~52
days), a decrease of $26 million over the prior quarter and a 40 day
reduction in our days of inventory. We are managing our inventory levels
tightly and we feel this level is appropriate in order to service our
current customer backlog. During Q1 2014 we expect inventory value to
reduce from Q4 2013. The lower revenue level in Q1 2014 will result in an
increase of inventory days from Q4 2013.

At the end of Q4 2013, we had cash and cash equivalents balance of $186
million. In the fourth quarter alone we generated $46 million of cash from
operating activities or $27 million of free cash flow(***), in line with
the strong cash generation profile of our business. Cash from operating
activities for the full year was up 111% on FY 2012 to $111 million.
Excluding the impact of the iWatt acquisition, in 2013 we generated $78
million of free cash flow, the highest on record.

(*) Underlying results (net of tax) in Q4-2013 are based on IFRS, adjusted
to exclude share-based compensation charges and related charges for
National Insurance of US$2.2 million, excluding US$1.1 million of
amortisation of intangibles associated with the acquisition of SiTel (now
Dialog B.V.), excluding US$2.0 million non-cash effective interest expense
in connection with the convertible bond, excluding US$ 0.2 million non-cash
effective interest expense related to a licensing agreement entered into in
Q3-2012, excluding US$0.5 million acquisition and integration expenses in
connection with the purchase of iWatt and excluding US$2.8 million of
amortisation and depreciation expenses associated with the acquisition of
iWatt, deferred sales and related cost of sales that were reversed in
connection with the iWatt business integration of US$ 0.6 million were
brought back. Furthermore the gain US$ of 3.2 million from the release of
an earn-out provision in relation to the iWatt acquisition was reversed and
a recorded income related to a payment the company received in connection
with the insolvency of BenQ of US$0.7 million was also taken out.

(*) Underlying results (net of tax) in Q4 2012 are based on IFRS, adjusted
to exclude share-based compensation charges and related charges for
National Insurance of $1.4 million, excluding $0.9 million of amortisation
of intangibles associated with the acquisition of Dialog B.V. and excluding
$1.5 million noncash-effective interest and financial expense in connection
with the convertible bond and discounted purchase prices.

(*) Underlying results (net of tax) in 2013 are based on IFRS, adjusted to
exclude share-based compensation charges and related charges for National
Insurance of US$7.8 million, excluding US$3.8 million of amortisation of
intangibles associated with the acquisition of SiTel (now Dialog B.V.),
excluding US$7.8 million non-cash effective interest expense in connection
with the convertible bond, excluding US$ 0.8 million non-cash effective
interest expense related to a licensing agreement entered into in Q3-2012,
excluding US$6.3 million acquisition and integration expenses in connection
with the purchase of iWatt and US$10.3 million of amortisation and
depreciation expenses associated with the acquisition of iWatt, deferred
sales and related cost of sales that were reversed in connection with the
iWatt business integration of US$ 2.5 million were brought back.
Furthermore the gain US$ of 3.2 million from the release of an earn-out
provision in relation to the iWatt acquisition was reversed and a recorded
income related to a payment the company received in connection with the
insolvency of BenQ of US$ 0.7 million was also taken out.

 (*) Underlying results net of tax in 2012 are based on IFRS, adjusted to
exclude share-based compensation charges and related charges for National
Insurance of US$8.3 million , excluding US$4.1 million  of amortisation of
intangibles associated with the acquisition of SiTel Semiconductor B.V.
(now Dialog B.V.), excluding US$0.6 million  in relation to previously
capitalized R&D expenses for close to end of life products- the products
were fully amortized by the end of Q1-2012, excluding US$4.5 million
(2011:nil) noncash-effective interest and financial expense in connection
with the convertible bond and discounted purchase prices and in 2011
excluding one-time transaction costs of US$ 3.2 million associated with the
acquisition of Dialog B.V.

The term 'underlying' is not defined in IFRS and therefore may not be
comparable with similarly titled measures reported by other companies.
Underlying measures are not intended as a substitute for, or a superior
measure to, IFRS measures. Underlying results (net of tax) have been fully
reconciled to IFRS results (net of tax) above. All other underlying
measures disclosed within this report are a component of this measure and
adjustments between IFRS and underlying measures for each of these measures
are a component of those disclosed above. For the fourth quarter and full
year 2013 a more detailed reconciliation for each of these measures has
been provided in the financial review section of the Financial and Selected
notes report.

 (**) EBITDA in Q4 2013 is defined as operating profit excluding
depreciation for property, plant and equipment, (Q4 2013:US$5.4 million, Q4
2012:US$3.6 million), amortisation of intangible assets (Q4 2013:US$9.1
million, Q4 2012:US$5.2 million) and losses on disposals and impairment of
fixed assets (Q4 2013:US$0.8 million, Q4 2012:US$0.7 million).

EBITDA in 2013 is defined as operating profit excluding depreciation for
property, plant and equipment, (2013:US$18.6 million, 2012:US$12.7
million), amortisation of intangible assets (2013:US$28.6 million,
2012:US$19.6 million) and losses on disposals and impairment of fixed
assets (2013:US$1.4 million, 2012:US$1.0 million).

(***) Free Cash Flow in 2013 is defined as net income of US$46.6 million
plus amortisation and depreciation of US$14.5 million, plus net interest
expense of US$3.7 million, minus change in working capital of US$29.4
million and minus capital expenditure of US$8.4 million.

Operational overview

In Q4 2013 we won additional new custom PMIC designs across new platforms
and models at our largest customers. During the quarter we expanded our
collaboration with Samsung with a fourth platform win. Our power management
IC (PMIC) with integrated audio functionality is being used in the recently
launched Samsung Galaxy trend 3 smartphone.

Dialog continued to lead in delivering the highest level of integration and
power efficiency in its products. This allowed us to increase the Average
Sales Price (ASP) of our products, excluding the Power Conversion segment,
from $1.96 in 2012 to $2.30 in 2013.

SmartBond(TM) System-on-Chip (SoC), the world's smallest and lowest power
Bluetooth Smart device, is now in production. SmartBond(TM), is designed to
enable consumers to use innovative new apps on their smartphones and
tablets that can easily connect with watches, fitness- bands and monitors, 
medical, sporting  remote control, computer peripherals and a vast and fast
growing number of other applications. Dialog has worked with a number of
leading module manufacturers including Panasonic Industrial Devices Europe
Gmbh to develop tiny modules allowing product designers with little RF
expertise to rapidly create unique Bluetooth Smart applications.

We continue to work and make progress with a number of OEMs and ODMs with
SmartWaveTM, our multi-touch IC technology and expect the first application
to deploy the technology to be within the PC segment.

The high volume Chinese smartphone and tablet market is of strategic
importance to Dialog. We are currently engaged with a number of leading
chipset providers to this market, to address this opportunity with our
power management, audio and fast charging technologies.

Throughout Q4 2013 and the first few weeks of 2014 we rolled out a number
of products from the Power Conversion Business Group. We are engaged with
the leading application chipset providers and smartphone OEMs to deploy
various fast charging solutions addressing the different variants of the
technology. We recently announced our collaboration with Qualcomm including
the launch of our products for Quickcharge 2.0 power supplies. We expect to
start production already in Q1 2014 of this technology. Additionally, in
collaboration with Intel, supporting their Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology,
we were the first company to deliver incredibly slim, ultra-light charger
designs that users should expect with next-generation UltrabooksTM  .

In Q4 2013, we launched a new platform DA6401 addressing the SSL smart
lighting segment. This platform supports features such as digital dimming
and it is the first driver to include support for the emerging Ledotron
dimming standard and enables many smart lighting applications through an
embedded DSP. We continue to maintain a leadership position within solid
state lighting with our portfolio of SSL products.

* * * * *

Dialog Semiconductor invites you today at 09.00 UK /10.00 CET to take part
in a live conference call and to listen to management's discussion of the
Company's Q4 and full year 2013 performance, as well as guidance for Q1

To access the call please use the following dial-in numbers: Germany 0800
101 4960, UK 0800 694 0257, USA 1866 966 9439 and Rest of World +44(0)1452
555 566, with no access code required. An instant replay facility will be
available for 30 days after the call and can be accessed at +44(0)1452 550
000 with access code 31198616#. An audio replay of the conference call will
also be posted soon thereafter on the Company's website at:

Full release including the Company's consolidated income statement,
consolidated balance sheet, consolidated statements of cash flows and
selected notes for the period ending 31 December 2013 is available under
the investor relations section of the Company's website at:

For further information please contact: 

Dialog Semiconductor
Jose Cano      
Head of Investor Relations
T: +44 (0)1793 756 961

FTI Consulting London
Matt Dixon
T: +44 (0)20 7269 7214

FTI Consulting Frankfurt
Thomas M. Krammer
T: +49 (0) 69 9203 7183

Note to editors
Dialog Semiconductor creates highly integrated, mixed-signal integrated
circuits (ICs), optimised for personal portable, low energy short-range
wireless, LED solid state lighting and automotive applications. The company
provides flexible and dynamic support, world-class innovation and the
assurance of dealing with an established business partner.

With its focus and expertise in energy-efficient system power management
and a technology portfolio that also includes audio, short-range wireless,
AC/DC power conversion and multi-touch, Dialog brings decades of experience
to the rapid development of ICs for personal portable and digital consumers
applications, including smartphones, tablets, Ultrabooks(TM) and digital
cordless phones.

Dialog's power management processor companion chips increase the
performance of portable devices by extending battery lifetime, enabling
faster charging and enhancing the consumer's multimedia experience. With
world-class manufacturing partners, Dialog operates a fabless business

Dialog Semiconductor plc is headquartered in London with a global sales,
R&D and marketing organisation. In 2013, it had approximately $909 million
in revenue and was one of the fastest growing European public semiconductor
companies. It currently has approximately 1,100 employees worldwide. The
company is listed on the Frankfurt (FWB: DLG) stock exchange (Regulated
Market, Prime Standard, ISIN GB0059822006) and is a member of the German
TecDax index.  It also has convertible bonds listed on the Euro MTF Market
on the Luxemburg Stock Exchange (ISIN XS0757015606).

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains 'forward-looking statements' that reflect
management's current views with respect to future events. The words
'anticipate,' 'believe,' 'estimate, 'expect,' 'intend,' 'may,' 'plan,'
'project' and 'should' and similar expressions identify forward-looking
statements. Such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties,
including, but not limited to: an economic downturn in the semiconductor
and telecommunications markets; changes in currency exchange rates and
interest rates, the timing of customer orders and manufacturing lead times,
insufficient, excess or obsolete inventory, the impact of competing
products and their pricing, political risks in the countries in which we
operate or sale and supply constraints. If any of these or other risks and
uncertainties occur (some of which are described under the heading 'Risks
and their management' in Dialog Semiconductor's most recent Annual Report)
or if the assumptions underlying any of these statements prove incorrect,
then actual results may be materially different from those expressed or
implied by such statements. We do not intend or assume any obligation to
update any forward-looking statement which speaks only as of the date on
which it is made, however, any subsequent statement will supersede any
previous statement.

End of Corporate News


20.02.2014 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a
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Language:    English                                               
Company:     Dialog Semiconductor Plc.                             
             Tower Bridge House, St. Katharine's Way               
             E1W 1AA London                                        
             United Kingdom                                        
Phone:       +49 7021 805-412                                      
Fax:         +49 7021 805-200                                      
ISIN:        GB0059822006, XS0757015606                            
WKN:         927200                                                
Indices:     TecDAX                                                
Listed:      Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);      
             Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München,  
End of News    DGAP News-Service  
253415 20.02.2014