Year-end report 1 January – 31 December 2013

  · Weaker market than expected during the year, particularly in the last
  · New agreements signed with Total and Shell after the end of the period
  · The Board will propose to the AGM that no dividend be paid
  · Kim Ullman is the CEO of Concordia Maritime from 1 January 2014
Total income, SEK million 467.8 (543.4)

EBITDA, SEK million 144.7 (228.4)

Operating result before impairment, SEK million 0.4 (77.5)

Impairment, SEK million 0.0 (-411.0)

Operating result after impairment, SEK million 0.4 (-333.5)

Result after tax, SEK million -28.8 (-356.0)

Result per share, SEK -0.60 (-7.46)

EBITDA, USD million 22.2 (33.7)

Available liquid funds*), SEK million 242.1 (484.0)

*) Including unutilized available credit facilities
Kim Ullman, CEO, +46 704 855003
Anna Forshamn, CFO, +46 704 855172
Concordia Maritime is an international tanker shipping company. Our focus is on
cost-effective and safe transportation of refined petroleum products and
vegetable oils. The company’s B shares were admitted to trading on Nasdaq OMX
Stockholm in 1984.

