Roblon A/S : Interim Statement from Roblon A/S concerning 1st quarter of the financial year 2013/14

Interim Statement

In  accordance with the regulations for  listed companies' submission of interim
statements,  Roblon  A/S  hereby  submits  the  interim statement for the period
November 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014 (3 months).

The  development for the  first quarter of  the budget year  2013/14 has been as
expected,  with a very sluggish start of the new year, which we also experienced
for the same period last year.

The year began with challenging and uncertain market conditions worldwide. These
conditions are still felt for a few of Roblon's product groups, while others
show a sound development.

We focus on the implementation of strategic measures and activities as stated in
the annual report 2012/13.

Roblon A/S came through the first quarter as expected, and there is no reason to
adjust expectations for revenue and result for 2013/14.

No events or transactions with a material effect on the company's financial
position, as shown in the annual report, have occurred.

Yours faithfully
Roblon A/S

Klaus Kalstrup
Chairman of the Board



Interim Statement.pdf