Source: Ríkissjóður Íslands - Lánamál ríkisins

Results of additional issuance

Auction of Treasury bonds RIKB 16 1013 & RIKB 20 0205 Additional Issuance

As stated in paragraph 5 of Terms of Invitation to Tender for Treasury bonds, the Government Debt Management offered the equivalent of 10% of the nominal value sold in the auction 21 February, at the price of accepted bids. This time Primary Dealers did not exercise their right to purchase additional issue in RIKB 16 1013 and RIKB 20 0205. Therefore the total amount of bonds issued in this auction in RIKB 16 1013 is 520 and 2,120 in RIKB 20 0205 nominal value. Total nominal value of RIKB 16 1013 after the auction is now 59,203,000,000 kr. And nominal value of RIKB 20 0205 is now 9,208,000,000 kr.  Settlement date is 26 February 2014.