Source: Latvijas balzams

“Latvijas Balzams’’ trade with Ukraine continues according to the plans.

Company closely follows the ongoing situation.

JSC “Latvijas Balzams” informs that international trade with Ukraine continues according to the plans, with no disturbances so far. Yet another export batch of “Latvijas Balzams” products has been dispatched to Ukraine lately and company is monitoring the situation in this market.

The management of the company notes that, considering the situation and its aggravation in Ukraine, JSC “Latvijas Balzams” increased its export volumes to Ukraine already during last quarter to accumulate the sales stock for year 2014.

The share of the exports of JSC “Latvijas Balzams” to Ukraine last year was 4% of the direct export of the company, and this country is one of the largest export markets of „Riga Black Balsam”. The sales of this product line have demonstrated the fastest increase (by 38%) among all markets for this brand in 2013.

The trade of the company with Russia continues according to the plans this year. Last year, the exports to Russia made up 14% of the direct exports turnover of "Latvijas Balzams".

JSC “Latvijas Balzams” is a leading Baltic producer of alcoholic beverages and one of the largest exporters in the state. The company holds a share of 24% in the domestic market of alcoholic beverages, currently produces more than 100 different products in nearly all strong and light alcoholic beverage segments, and is clearly the leader in several segments in Latvia.


         Additional information:
         Dana Hasana
         JSC “Latvijas balzams” Communications Manager
         Phone: +371 67011711
         Mob. phone:+371 26355895