Source: Lundbergföretagen AB, L E

Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2014

The shareholders of L E Lundbergföretagen AB (publ) are hereby invited to attend
the Annual General Meeting at Grand Hôtel, Vinterträdgården, Stallgatan 6,
Stockholm, at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday April 9, 2014


To be entitled to participate in the business of the Annual General Meeting,
shareholders shall be registered in the share register maintained by Euroclear
Sweden AB on Thursday April 3, 2014, and notify their intention to attend the
Annual General Meeting by Thursday April 3, 2014.

Notification should be made:

- by post to the following address: L E Lundbergföretagen AB, SE-601 85
Norrköping, Sweden

- by telephone +46 11 21 65 00

- by fax +46 11 21 65 65 or

- by e-mail to and the Company will confirm by e-mail
that it has received notification.

Notification should include name, address, telephone number, personal
identification number/corporate registration number, number of shares and number
of advisors. If participation is to be based on proxy, the power-of-attorney
authorizing should be sent together with the notification of attendance. The
original power-of-attorney, registration certificate and other authorizing
documents must be shown at the Annual General Meeting.

A form for notifying power of attorney is available from the Company and on its

Shareholders whose shares are held in the name of a trustee, via the Trust
Department of a bank or firm of stockbrokers, must temporarily re-register the
shares in their own name to be entitled to participate in the Meeting. Such
registration must be completed no later than Thursday April 3, 2014. This means
that shareholders must notify the trustee of the need for re-registration in
ample time prior to this date.


 1. Opening of the Meeting.
 2. Election of Chairman of the Meeting.
 3. Preparation and approval of the voting list.
 4. Election of one or two officers to verify the minutes.
 5. Approval of the agenda.
 6. Determination of whether the Meeting has been duly convened.
 7. The Address by the President.
 8. Presentation of
a)       the annual report and the auditors’ report, and the consolidated
accounts and auditors’ report on the consolidated accounts
b)       the auditor’s statement on the level of compliance with the principles
for remuneration of senior executives applicable since the preceding Annual
General Meeting.

 9. Motions concerning
a)       adoption of the income statement and balance sheet, and of the
consolidated income statement and consolidated balance sheet
b)       discharge of the Board of Directors and the President from personal
c)       the disposition to be made of the Company’s profit or loss as shown in
the balance sheet adopted by the Meeting.

10. Determination of the number of members of the Board and deputies to be
elected by the Annual General Meeting.
11. Determination of the fees to be paid to the Board members and auditors.
12. Information regarding the nominated Board member’s assignments in other
companies and the election of members of the Board, deputy Board members and
Chairman of the Board.
13. Election of auditors and deputy auditors.
14. Motion concerning principles for remuneration of senior executives.
15. Motion authorizing the Board to acquire shares in the company.
16. Closure of the Meeting.

Election of Chairman of the Meeting

(item 2 of the agenda)

Shareholders representing slightly more than 90% of the voting rights propose
that Chairman of the Board Mats Guldbrand be elected Chairman of the Meeting.


(item 9c of the agenda)

The Board proposes that the Annual General Meeting resolve on payment of a
dividend of SEK 4.60 per share for the 2013 fiscal year. The Board proposes
Monday April 14, 2014 as the record day. If the Meeting votes in favor of the
motion, the dividend is expected to be issued by Euroclear Sweden AB on Thursday
April 17, 2014.

election of members of the Board, Chairman of the Board, AUDITORS and
determination of fees

(items 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the agenda)

Shareholders representing slightly more than 90% of the voting rights propose
the election of the following parties to the Board of Directors.

The number of members of the Board of Directors shall be eight without deputies.
It is proposed that Carl Bennet, Mats Guldbrand, Louise Lindh, Fredrik Lundberg,
Katarina Martinson, Sten Peterson and Lars Pettersson be re-elected members of
the Board and that Lilian Fossum Biner be elected to the Board. It is proposed
that Mats Guldbrand be re-elected Chairman of the Board. Current board member
Gunilla Berg has declined re-election. Lilian Fossum Biner is 52 and has an MBA
and has extensive experience including financial management and strategic
pricing. She is a board member of Nobia, Thule Group and Oriflame Cosmetics and
more. She has previously been vice president and CFO at Axel Johnson AB, HR
Manager at Electrolux and CFO at Spendrups Brewery.

Shareholders representing slightly more than 90% of the voting rights have
proposed that the company have a registered public accounting firm as its
auditor and that the accounting firm KPMG AB be re-elected as the new auditor
for a period of one year, meaning for the period ending with the Annual General
Meeting 2015. KPMG has announced that it is intended that the authorized public
accountant Joakim Thilstedt be designated as the principal auditor, with
authorised public accountant Kjell Bidenäs as co-auditor.

Director fees will be paid in a total amount of SEK 2,250,000, of which SEK
750,000 will be paid to the Chairman of the Board and SEK 250,000 to each of the
other Members of the Board elected by the Annual General Meeting, except for the

It is proposed that auditor fees be paid on current account.


(item 14 of the agenda)

The Board of Directors’ motion is unchanged compared with the guidelines
established for the preceding year. Essentially, the motion entails that
salaries and other employment conditions pertaining to management be competitive
in the market. In addition to a fixed annual salary, senior executives shall
also be entitled to receive a bonus based on earnings and profitability targets
or the results of activities. No remuneration shall be provided in the form of
options or other share-based incentive programs.


(item 15 of the agenda)

The Board of Directors’ motion entails that the Board be authorized during the
period up to the close of the following Annual General Meeting to acquire Series
B treasury shares subject to the restriction that the holding may not at any
time exceed 10% of all of the shares in the Company. Such share acquisitions
must take place on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm at the share price applicable on the
acquisition date. The aim of any buy-backs will be to enable to the Board to
adjust the Company’s capital structure during the period up to the next Annual
General Meeting.

In order for this resolution to be valid, it must be supported by shareholders
representing at least two thirds of both the votes cast and the shares
represented at the Meeting.

If the aforementioned motions are passed and, on the condition that Fredrik
Lundberg with companies and wife do not sell any of their shares, their share of
voting rights will exceed 90%. Accordingly, Fredrik Lundberg has informed the
Company’s Board that he is prepared to convert his Series A shares to Series B
shares to such an extent that his total share of the voting power becomes less
than 90%.


The annual report, auditors’ report and the auditors’ statement concerning
compliance with the principles for the remuneration of senior executives, the
Board’s complete motions under items 14 and 15, and the Board’s reasoned
statement for motions under items 9c and 15 will be available from the Company
and on the Company’s website no later than Wednesday
March 19, 2014.

These documents will be sent to shareholders who contact the Company and state
their address, and will also be available at the Annual General Meeting.


The Board of Directors and the President shall, should any shareholder so
request and provided that the Board is of the opinion that this can occur
without significant damage to the company, provide disclosures regarding
conditions that could impact upon the evaluation of a motion on the agenda,
conditions that could impact on the evaluation of the company’s or a
subsidiary’s financial situation, and the company’s relationship to other Group


The total number of shares in the Company is 124,000,000, of which 48,000,000
are Series A shares and 76,000,000 are Series B shares. The total number of
voting rights in the Company is 556,000,000.

Stockholm, March 2014


Roger Ekström, Corporate Communications Manager L E Lundbergföretagen AB, +46
(0) 11 21 65 07.

This is the type of information that L E Lundbergföretagen AB (publ) is
obligated to disclose in accordance with the Securities Market Act and/or the
Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication
on March 5, 2014, at 08:00 a.m.

Invitation to Annual General Meeting