New EMAIL AUDITOR Software From UBIC Automates Email Compliance in Real-Time With Far Greater Accuracy and Speed

Risk Management Software From UBIC Applies Sophisticated Machine-Learning Technology to Ensure Compliance in Corporate Email Communications

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., March 6, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UBIC, Inc. (Nasdaq:UBIC) (TSE:2158), a leading provider of Asian-language eDiscovery technology capabilities and services, today announced the introduction of Email Auditor, a new software application that intelligently monitors email correspondence, historically and in real-time, across an entire organization's email communications infrastructure to identify questionable correspondence and behaviors before they become a serious and potentially expensive and disruptive problem.

UBIC developed Email Auditor to help global corporations avoid costs related to litigation and penalty fees when employees engage in questionable behavior involving sensitive competitive information. The company will make the software commercially available in April of this year.

Email Auditor was developed out of UBIC's acclaimed Behavioral Informatics technology, which brings the speed, accuracy and rigor of adaptive, machine-learning technology to a host of legal discovery and corporate risk management applications. Behavioral Informatics programs like Email Auditor are designed to help companies identify and intercede before actions by employees and outsiders can become a problem, reducing the threat of litigation and its associated fees and penalties, which can run to millions of dollars.

Robust, highly adaptive and preventive technology

Integrated within a corporation's email communications network, Email Auditor employs a proven capability to inferentially identify and analyze very large volumes of structured and unstructured data for specific types of content and meaning. This allows the corporation to identify and respond to questionable communications as they occur.

"UBIC's Email Auditor software acts as a corporation's intelligent sentry," UBIC Chief Technology Officer Hideki Takeda said.

More than mere keyword-based search, which is purely literal and limited to a finite list of terms, according to Mr. Takeda, UBIC's Email Auditor software is seeded with highly detailed, expert examples of what kinds of words and phrases to look for and which to disregard.

"This carefully constructed, expert information informs the software's iterative learning process," he said, "which in short order develops and amends its own rules database so as to discern questionable communications behavior in real time across vast IT networks with better than 90 percent accuracy."

A proactive solution for highly regulated, highly scrutinized industries

Guarding against prosecution for antitrust or cartel activities is a serious and growing concern at companies in the U.S and the rest of the world. Simply being named in an investigation carries a stigma potentially damaging to a company's reputation and the quality of its relationships with customers, suppliers and shareholders.

"There is an adage in most cultures that says, 'An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,' " UBIC Chairman and President Masahiro Morimoto said. "Using UBIC's Email Auditor, a corporation's compliance officer or general counsel would be able to know whether the use of that phrase in emails is intended simply as a word to the wise or as a code for collusive behavior among employees and individuals outside the company."

In 2013 the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecuted 21 corporations and 34 individuals in antitrust and cartel investigations resulting in more than $1 billion levied in fines and 28 people being sentenced to jail terms of more than two years each, according to DOJ statistics. Among these were companies ensnared in cartel cases involving international automotive parts suppliers which, over the past several years of a still-ongoing investigation and prosecution, has seen senior executives and line managers from 21 companies around the world prosecuted in courts in the U.S., Canada, the European Union and Japan resulting in more than $1.6 billion in fines and 17 corporate executives sentenced to prison.

In each instance, the DOJ and related government investigative authorities were able to prove their cases against corporations and their employees based in good part on evidence discovered and produced from email correspondence.

Email Auditor, a cost-effective hedge against the potential for real and lasting damages

The speed and accuracy of UBIC's Email Auditor software makes it a worthwhile consideration for corporations concerned over exposure to potentially harmful behavior by employees and outsiders. Factoring in the economies, efficiencies and benefits of a full-time, automated compliance monitoring system, investment in UBIC's Email Auditor solution comes at a relatively low cost.

Corporate compliance officers, corporate general counsel and Chief Technology Officers will see the advantages of adopting UBIC's Email Auditor solution within their email communications network as the software is highly adaptable and can be conveniently configured to meet the most expansive coverage demands as well as very specific or limited deployments. Easy to install as well as easy to use and interact with, UBIC's Email Auditor software is a comprehensive and scalable, economical solution for companies whose global operations are potentially at risk from insufficient compliance monitoring.

For more information, contact UBIC at

About UBIC

UBIC, Inc. (Nasdaq:UBIC) (TSE:2158) is a leading provider of e-discovery and digital forensic services for Asia and the world. UBIC has extensive experience working with electronically stored information composed in Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) languages and utilizes that expertise for clients involved in cross-border litigation, corporate investigations, intellectual property disputes and much more. At the forefront of e-discovery innovation, UBIC's proprietary Lit i View® platform is moving the industry from "fact discovery" to "future discovery" by allowing clients to analyze e-mail messages and digital communications found in big data to reveal patterns in human thought and behavior.

For more information about UBIC, contact or visit