Source: Listing and Trading Operations

IT – INET PROD – REMINDER – Direct Away Market Access via NASDAQ OMX Exchange and Clearing Services AB’s technical service (23/14)

As communicated in IT Notice 13/14, NASDAQ OMX Nordic is broadening its execution services for its customers to get a cost effective direct away market access. The service utilizes FIX connectivity to INET Nordic trading system and NASDAQ OMX Smart Order Routing service.
The Direct Away Market Access is offered by NASDAQ OMX Exchange and Clearing Services AB, and is a technical service, enabling
-      the use of direct routing strategies
-      the use of the on-behalf-of functionality
Detailed information on the service can be found under Execution Services at NASDAQ OMX website.
Direct routing strategies are included in the INET Nordic FIX protocol specifications and Nordic Workstation.
How to subscribe for the service
NASDAQ OMX Exchange and Clearing Services AB will provide technical service to customer in accordance with a separate service agreement. The members of NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, Helsinki and Stockholm have the possibility to sign up for the service. Please contact your NASDAQ OMX representative for further information.

Test access
Please contact Member Services in order to enable direct routing strategies in test environment.

Time schedule

·        INET Test (OTF) – since February 17, 2014
·        INET Prod – March 10, 2014

Questions and feedback
For further information concerning this notice, please contact Technical Support at +46 8 405 6410,

Best regards,
“NASDAQ OMX Nordic” is not a legal entity but describes the common offering for members of the NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm and Iceland.


