ICAP Patent Brokerage
Source: ICAP Patent Brokerage LLC

Pharmaceutical Therapeutic Methods & Topical Drug Formulation Patents for Sale by ICAP Patent Brokerage & Auctions

New York, NY, March 10, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (http://www.myprgenie.com) -- ICAP Patent Brokerage announces for sale two pharmaceutical patent portfolios from Cascade Estates, Ltd. This IP package is available via sealed bid with a bidding deadline of March 27, 2014. Bids for this lot will be accepted starting March 25 through March 27.

"We are excited to announce for sale these two patent portfolios covering topical drug formulations and methods for treating and preventing mucositis, as well as therapeutic methods for treating viral infections. Pharmaceutical companies with patents in these areas should find these assets interesting," says Dean Becker, CEO of ICAP Patent Brokerage.

Key Characteristics & Benefits

The first portfolio of patents covers topical formulations of an off-patent pharmaceutical for the treatment of mucositis and weight loss. Mucositis is a common side effect that occurs in patients during cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiography. Conventionally, topical analgesics such as lidocaine and mouthwashes are used in the treatment of mucositis, however these techniques are not effective and can cause cachexia or weight loss, muscle atrophy, fatigue, weakness and significant loss of appetite. The drug formulations disclosed in this portfolio are non-steroidal, have anti-inflammatory actions, and do not affect the normal cells during treatment preventing the condition of mucositis and cachexia. Further, this medicament also prevents the formation of ulcerative lesions in the patients.

The patent in the second portfolio for sale claims methods for treating a viral or parasitic infection. Every year diseases such as Hepatitis C, AIDS, and anthrax result in the death of millions of people worldwide. Various advanced therapeutics or drugs are being used for their treatment; however, these drugs have numerous side effects and do not eradicate the root cause of the disease effectively, but instead only slow down its development. This patent for sale provides therapeutic methods for the treatment of these viral and parasitic diseases with reduced toxic effects.

See these technical descriptions on the ICAP Patent Brokerage website of the medicament for treatment of mucositis and weight loss and method for treating a viral or parasitic infection IP sales offering.

To learn more about the intellectual property available for sale in this portfolio or to place a bid:

Contact Paul Greco of ICAP Patent Brokerage at (212) 815-6692 or via email at Paul@icapip.com.

If you have a patent for sale, visit our website to make a patent submission for an upcoming sealed bid event.

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About ICAP Patent Brokerage

ICAP Patent Brokerage is the world's largest intellectual property brokerage and patent auction firm, leveraging the talents of experienced patent brokers to match buyers and sellers for the sale of patents and other intellectual property assets. With multiple transaction platforms and unparalleled industry knowledge, including experience with trademarks, brands, intellectual property licensing, UCC sales and other distressed sales, ICAP Patent Brokerage is the global leader in the transaction of intellectual property.