ICAP Patent Brokerage
Source: ICAP Patent Brokerage LLC

Valuable AI Based Intelligent Search Trade Secrets Available for Sale by ICAP Patent Brokerage

"Mimics the way the brain works, in the cloud"

New York, NY, March 11, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (http://www.myprgenie.com) -- ICAP Patent Brokerage announces for sale a premier set of trade secrets comprehensively covering the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to add intelligence to any existing search offering, or as a stand-alone search offering from Otopy Inc.

While the technology is a series of trade secrets, the successful acquirer could file 5-15 patents based on the inventions. Given that this is a breakthrough in AI based search, the seller has kept the inventions as trade secrets. 

"The evolution of search is proceeding at a rapid pace. With the proliferation of mobile devices and voice being used more and more as the input method, the necessity to address many words in a query box without the need of an exact keyword match is becoming essential. The trade secrets are currently incorporated into successfully deployed software in both Federal Intelligence Organizations as well the private sector. This software is scalable, cloud-deployable, and developed with open-source tools. These assets will be of strong interest to those companies involved in search and artificial intelligence, in public, enterprise, and federal markets. This technology is also language agnostic, and therefore provides a new source of potential revenue in foreign markets," says Dean Becker, CEO of ICAP Patent Brokerage.

Key Characteristics & Benefits

This unique IP portfolio comprehensively covers the use of AI to manage large multi-word indexes without an index explosion, the invisible big problem of Big Data, in which each term added to a search query results in exponential index growth. That is why even the most sophisticated search engines can only manage queries of 2-5 words before the data volume becomes impossible to manage. By employing a configurable set of 60 algorithms, alongside a proprietary noise filter and traditional filters, Otopy reduces the size of the index space 1000:1, at petabyte scale.

At the heart of Otopy is a self-learning, artificial intelligence. Otopy scales across languages (even character-based systems) and uses of knowledge, and can reason about never-before-seen concepts and relations.

The technology enables the implementation of revenue-generating solutions that were otherwise infeasible by enabling large-scale, multi-dimensional analytics. Not only is user experience improved dramatically, but infrastructure costs are slashed by reducing the number of servers and energy consumption required.

Search results, social sites, mobile text and messaging applications can be monetized more accurately by serving targeted, concept-based ads. Fresh data is searched as quickly as old, without reliance on linkage or prior query. Otopy cannot be 'gamed' by traditional SEO techniques, link-networks, or clickstreams.

Otopy's deep analytical engine can read and understand financial data and make deep analytical recommendations, bridging the semantic-physical gap. This has implications, for example, in high-frequency trading (HFT) and banking. With sufficient resources, these new insights can be done in near real-time.  

Otopy is the culmination of 20 years of research and development. It has been chosen by the US Intelligence Community having already performed one contract with the US Army, and a CIA contract in the pipeline. 

"It is time to bring this technology to the broader market, and we believe that by making our intellectual property available to a major player in the search space, we can accelerate that outcome while providing a significant competitive advantage to the new owner," says Gene Feroglia, CEO of Otopy.

"The system is designed to work and enhance searches both in private and public clouds," says Dan Kikinis, co-founder of Otopy, Inc. Dan Kikinis is a prolific inventor with over 220 issued USPTO patents.

Dan has received assistance in overseeing the Otopy methodology from two well-known scientists (advisers to the company):  Peter Hart, former Director of SRI's AI center for a dozen years, author of books on AI, and frequent guest speaker on the use of AI; and Ted Selker, PhD in semantics, who has held professorships at Carnegie Mellon and MIT, as well as an IBM-fellowship.  All-told, the combined man-power and credibility behind Otopy is impressive.

The result is an incredible shift in paradigm where classic, rigid search techniques make way for a true learning methodology, indifferent to size, and akin to the human mind itself.

More information can be gained at www.otopy.com.

To learn more about the assets available for sale in this portfolio:

Contact Paul Greco of ICAP Patent Brokerage at (212) 815-6692 or via email at Paul@icapip.com.

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ICAP Patent Brokerage is the world's largest intellectual property brokerage and patent auction firm, leveraging the talents of experienced patent brokers to match buyers and sellers for the sale of patents, and other intellectual property assets. With multiple transaction platforms and unparalleled industry knowledge, including experience with trademarks, brands, intellectual property licensing, UCC sales and other distressed sales, ICAP Patent Brokerage is the global leader in the transaction of intellectual property.