Source: Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S

ISS A/S – expected merger of temporary ISIN and permanent ISIN

ISS A/S has informed NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen that the company expects a merger of the temporary ISIN (DK0060542264) with the permanent ISIN (DK0060542181) as per 19 March 2014 after registration of the new shares with the Danish Business Authority.

NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen therefore expects the merger of the temporary ISIN and the permanent ISIN to be effective from and including 19 March 2014. Hence, the last day of trading in the temporary ISIN (DK0060542264) is expected to be 18 March 2014 provided that the increase in share capital is registered with the Danish Business Authority.

In addition, Nordea as the Issuing Agent has informed NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen that Nordea will instruct VP SECURITIES to merge the two ISINs end of day 19 March 2014.

EuroCCP confirm they are able to process in accordance with the above dates.



For further information, please contact: Jakob Kaule, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66

