Source: Listing and Trading Operations

IT - INET – Reminder – Changes to post trade counterparty visibility in NASDAQ OMX Nordic blue chip shares as of March 24, 2014 - (28/14)

As communicated earlier, NASDAQ OMX Nordic introduces a new voluntary post trade counterparty visibility model for blue chip shares. In the new model members may choose whether their identity (MPID) is displayed on the public trade ticker or not. Please see the details of the model in the IT Notice 11/14.

Shares in the voluntary post trade counterparty visibility model

Please find the list of the shares in the voluntary post trade counterparty visibility model enclosed to this notice. As the model covers the current and former Large Cap and the OMXC20, OMXH25 and OMXS30 shares on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen, Helsinki and Stockholm, the list is amended from time to time.

The instrument reference data BD Tradable PostTradeAnonymity (PTb), distributed via the TIP protocol in Genium Consolidated Feed, includes a new value “4” that is applied to the instruments in scope.

Member set-up

The current counterparty disclosure arrangement where MPID is displayed on the public trade ticker is a default set-up for a member. Members who wish to keep the default set-up on all three exchanges will automatically continue to do so.

How to subscribe for a change in post trade counterparty visibility

Members who wish to change their settings are asked to notify NASDAQ OMX Nordic via a form that can be obtained from their Key Account Manager. The first date to have the change effective is March 24, 2014.

After March 24, 2014, members may change their set-up on a monthly basis. New choice will be applied from the first calendar month following the calendar month in which the submission of the notification is made.

Time schedule

2014-02-24: INET Nordic OTF available. Please contact Member Services in order to change the MPID configuration for testing purposes.

2014-03-24: Implementation in INET Nordic production.

INET Nordic Market Model

Changes will be updated to the INET Nordic Market Model 2.25, effective March 24, 2014.


If you have any questions regarding this Exchange Notice, please contact NASDAQ OMX Tech Support at: +46 8 405 6410,

Best regards,



NASDAQ OMX Nordic is not a legal entity but describes the common offering from the NASDAQ OMX exchanges in Helsinki, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Iceland.
