Mekonomen Group´s annual report for 2013

Mekonomen Group´s annual report for 2013 is today published in pdf-format on the
company’s website and is also enclosed to this press release.

For further information, please contact:

Per Hedblom, CFO Mekonomen AB, +46 (0)8-464 00 00

Mekonomen AB (publ), Corp. Reg. No. 556392-1971 Box 6077, SE-141 06 Kungens
Kurva, Sweden. Telephone: +46 (0)8-464 00 00, Fax: +46 (0)8-464 00 66
Mekonomen makes CarLife easier through a wide and easily accessible range of
affordable and innovative solutions and products for consumers and companies. We
are the leading spare-parts chain in the Nordic region, with proprietary
wholesale operations, about 400 stores and 2,300 workshops operating under the
Mekonomen brands.


03180170.pdf Prm_annual_report_20140318.pdf