Source: Jyske Realkredit A/S

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting, BRFkredit a/s

To NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S                                             19 March 2014
                                                                                                          Announcement no. 24/2014

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting, BRFkredit a/s

The Annual General Meeting of BRFkredit a/s was held on 19. March 2014. The directors’ report was taken as read, the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2013 was adopted, and a resolution for the distribution of the net profit for the year was passed.


The General Meeting unanimously re-elected Oluf Engell, Rina Asmussen, Kristian May, Lars Munch, Aksel Nissen and Kurt Bligaard Pedersen to the Supervisory Board.


PricewaterhouseCoopers Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab was unanimously re-elected as auditors of the company.


The General Meeting was informed of the decision to merge BRFkredit with Jyske Bank, and had no comment. The Supervisory Board's recommendation to abolish the Committee of Representatives was also approved.


The General Meeting confirmed the decision to merge BRFkredit with Jyske Bank, and the Supervisory Board’s recommendation to abolish the Board of Representatives was adopted.


At the subsequent meeting of the Supervisory Board, Oluf Engell was appointed as Chairman and Kurt Bligaard Pedersen as Deputy Chairman. Oluf Engell, Kurt Bligaard Pedersen, Lars Munch and Rina Asmussen were appointed as members of the Group Audit Committee, and Oluf Engell and Kurt Bligaard Pedersen were appointed as members of the Remuneration Committee.






Ulrikke Ekelund

Chief Economist


Telefon 45 26 22 57

Mobil 20 19 92 38



Please observe that the Danish version of this announcement prevails.