Source: Grønlandsbanken A/S

Annual General Meeting of The BANK of Greenland

To Nasdaq OMX Copenhagen

19 March 2014

Company Announcement No 05/2014


Annual General Meeting of The BANK of Greenland

Today, The BANK of Greenland held its ordinary general meeting in accordance with its statutes and invitation to shareholders.

The annual report of 2013, showing a profit of DKr 84.250 m, a shareholders’ equity of DKr 876.235 m and a balance sheet total of DKr 5.057.050 m, was approved in the same form as it was submitted. The General Meeting also approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay a dividend of 55 percent.

Kristian Lennert, Managing Director, Frank Olsvig Bagger, Managing Director, and Anders Brøns, Managing Director were re-elected to the Board of Directors.

Deloitte was re-elected as auditor for 2014.

At the ensuing meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board elected Gunnar í Liða, Managing Director, to the post of chairman and Kristian Lennert, Managing Director, to the post of Deputy Chairman.


The Bank of Greenland

Gunnar í Liða

Chairman of the Board of Directors

