Source: Castellum AB

Annual General Meeting in Castellum AB (publ)

At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Castellum AB (publ) on March 20, 2014,
the board of directors’ proposal of a dividend of SEK 4.25 was confirmed.
Tuesday March 25, 2014 was decided as record day for dividend.

The AGM decided to re-elect the present members of the board of directors Mrs.
Charlotte Strömberg, Mr. Per Berggren, Mrs. Marianne Dicander Alexandersson, Mr.
Christer Jacobson, Mr. Jan Åke Jonsson and Mr. Johan Skoglund. Mrs. Nina
Linander was elected as new member of the Board of Directors. Mrs. Charlotte
Strömberg was re-elected as chairman of the board of directors. Further the AGM
decided that the level of remuneration to the members of the board of directors
shall be the following:

- The chairman of the board of directors: SEK 585,000.
- Other members of the board of directors: SEK 275,000.
- Member of the board of directors’ remuneration committee, including the
chairman: SEK 30,000.
- Chairman of the board of directors’ audit and finance committee: SEK 50,000.
- Other members of the board of directors’ audit and finance committee: SEK

Compared with last year, this entails an increase of the total remuneration with
SEK 330,000 and a total remuneration to the members of the board of directors,
including remuneration for work in the remuneration and audit and finance
committees, of SEK 2,445,000.

The AGM decided to elect the authorized public accountant Mr. Hans Warén
(Deloitte) to new auditor and re-elect the authorized public accountant Mr.
Magnus Fredmer (EY). Furthermore, the authorized public accountant Mr. Fredrik
Walméus (Deloitte) was elected as new deputy auditor. The AGM decided that
remuneration to the auditors during their term of office shall be based on
approved accounts.

The AGM decided to appoint a new election committee for the AGM in 2015
according to previously applied model.

The AGM adopted the Board of Directors’ proposal regarding the guidelines of
remuneration for senior executives.

The AGM decided to authorize the Board – in order to adapt the company’s capital
structure and be able to transfer own shares as a payment or financing of real
property investments – if required until the next AGM, to resolve on acquisition
and transfer of own shares.

Castellum AB (publ) discloses the information provided herein pursuant to the
Securities Markets Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.

For further information, please contact
Charlotte Strömberg, Chairman of the Board, mobile +46 702-77 04 03
Henrik Saxborn, CEO, phone +46 31-60 74 50

Castellum is one of the major listed real estate companies in Sweden. The fair
value of the real estate portfolio amounts to approx. SEK 38 billion, and
comprises premises for office, retail, warehouse and industrial purposes with a
total lettable area of approx 3.6 million sq.m. The real estate portfolio is
owned and managed by six wholly owned subsidiaries with strong local roots in
five growth regions: Greater Gothenburg, the Öresund Region, Greater Stockholm,
Mälardalen and Eastern Götaland.
Castellum is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB Large Cap.

Castellum AB (publ), Box 2269, SE-403 14 Göteborg  |  Org nr/Corp Id no SE
556075-5550   |  Phone +46 31 60 74 00 Fax +46 31 13 17 55