Source: BankNordik

Decisions of annual general meeting

At the annual general meeting of P/F BankNordik on Friday, March 21, 2014, the shareholders:

  •  Approved the Chairman’s report, audited Annual Accounts and Anuual Report 2013, and the allocation of net profit, including the proposed dividend payment of DKK 1,5 per share and in total DKK 15.000.000,00


  • Re-elected Klaus Rasmussen, Jens Erik Christensen, Nils S. Sørensen and Niels Vestermark to the Board of Directors


  • Re-appointed P/F Januar, løggilt grannskoðanarvirki together with PricewaterhouseCoopers Denmark as external auditors


  • Adopted the Remuneration committees proposal regarding remuneration of the Board of Directors for 2014


  • Approved the proposals from the Financing Fund from 1992 and the Board of Directors regarding amendments of the Bank’s Articles of Associations


Immediately after the annual general meeting the Board of Directors met to elect its Chairman and Vice Chairman. Klaus Rasmussen continues as Chairman and Jens Erik Christensen continues as Vice Chairman. The Board of Directors of P/F BankNordik hereafter consists of: 

  • Klaus Rasmussen, Chairman of the Board
  • Jens Erik Christensen, Vice Chairman of the Board
  • Nils S. Sørensen, Board Member
  • Niels Vestermark, Board Member
  • Kenneth M. Samuelsen, Board Member elected by the employees
  • Tórhallur Olsen, Board Member elected by the employees


P/F BankNordik

CEO’s Office