Source: Vestjysk Bank A/S

Annual General Meeting - Nomination of two additional candidates and election as chairmann and vice-chairmann

The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen

Oslo Børs

24 March 2014

Company announcement: 

Annual General Meeting - Nomination of two additional candidates for the Supervisory Board and candidates for election as chairman and vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board

As announced in company announcement of 3 March 2014 convening the Annual General Meeting 25 March 2014 of Vestjysk Bank A/S, the Supervisory Board expected to nominate 1-2 additional candidates for election to the Supervisory Board at the Annual General Meeting.

The Supervisory Board has now nominated the following two additional candidates for election to the Supervisory Board:

Vagn Thorsager and Lars Holst

The above candidates are proposed to be elected in addition to the candidates mentioned in the convening notice of 3 March 2014. Thus, the number of shareholder elected board members will be six.

Further information regarding the candidates’ managerial offices and backgrounds is attached hereto and is also available on the Bank’s webpage

Vagn Thorsager resigns as CEO of the Bank in connection with the Annual General Meeting, and the Supervisory Board has initiated a process for finding a new CEO. Managing director Michael Nelander Petersen is appointed interim CEO until a permanent replacement for Vagn Thorsager has been found.

Vagn Thorsager is recommended for election as chairman of the Supervisory Board and Lars Holst is recommended for election as vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board.


Vestjysk Bank A/S

The Supervisory Board

Any inquiries regarding the above can be directed to Steen Hemmingsen, chairman of the Supervisory Board, tel.: +45 51 46 46 33.

Vestjysk Bank A/S
Torvet 4-5
DK-7620 Lemvig

Phone +45 96 63 20 00

CVR no. 34631328

