Resolutions at the annual general meeting

At the annual general meeting of Delarka Holding AB (publ) held on 27 March 2014 in Stockholm, the following main resolutions were passed.

- The financial statements for the financial year 2013 were adopted.

- It was resolved that of the available profits of SEK 474,761,139, the distribution per share will amount to in aggregate SEK 8, implying a distribution of in aggregate SEK 40,000,000. Payment of the dividend will take place on four separate occasions with four equal installments. This means that at each installment SEK 2 per share shall be paid, or a total of SEK 10,000,000. The record dates for payment of the dividend shall be 1 April 2014, 30 June 2014, 30 September 2014 and 30 December 2014, respectively.

- It was resolved that the directors of the board and the managing director were discharged from liability for the financial year 2013.

- It was resolved that the board of directors of the company shall consist of Tony Karlström, Lennart Låftman and Johan Thorell. Lennart Låftman was elected chairman of the board.

- It was resolved to re-elect Deloitte AB as auditor.

- It was resolved that no directors' fees shall be paid, and that the auditor's fees shall be paid by approved account.

27 March 2014

For further information, please contact:
Sven I Hegstad + 47 22 01 58 80,
Mattias Mattson + 46 8 402 53 83,

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Delarka Resolutions at the annual general meeting (English).pdf

About Delarka Holding
Delarka Holding AB (publ) is a Swedish real estate company indirectly owning, managing and letting the property Polisen 2 in Solna, Stockholm. The Property is fully leased until 30 April 2026 to Posten AB and is the current headquarter of PostNord. The building was completed in November 2003 and consists of approximately 53 000 m2, of which around 14 000 m2 constitute approximately 450 parking spaces. The company was established in November 2013 by Pareto Securities AB and Pareto Project Finance AS and the company is managed by Pareto Business Management AB. Wildeco is the Certified Advisor to the Company.


