Source: Kognitio

Gartner BI Summit Speaker: "Kognitio Delivers Unrestricted Answers, Quicker," Helps Market Leaders Reach Customers in Near Real-Time

PlaceIQ CTO, Co-Founder, to Tell Conference Participants That Kognitio Analytical Platform Enables the Emerging Field of "Location Analytics"

NEW YORK, March 31, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Using location and mobile data to better understand the consumer journey is revolutionizing the data analytics field. It is called "location analytics," and it enables marketers to target key segments better than ever before.

New York-based PlaceIQ is a leader in this emerging field. At next week's Gartner Business Intelligence and Analytics Summit, Steve Milton, PlaceIQ's co-founder and chief technical officer, will discuss how the Kognitio Analytical Platform has enabled PlaceIQ to put location analytics into production; positioning the company and its commercial clients for success in the fiercely competitive data analytics market.

PlaceIQ believes that location is the biggest indicator of consumer intent since search. By leveraging more than half a trillion data points across the United States, PlaceIQ has contextualized the relationship between places, time and devices, to uncover insights about human behavior. Kognitio is the innovative in-memory analytical platform that underlies the PlaceIQ technology, persisting data in Hadoop with near-real time analytics.

"Kognitio enables us to take a completely unstructured approach to queries," Milton says. "It gives us the ability ask questions as they come to us, and get the answers returned quickly so that we can implement them. This is imperative in a company with data at the core of what we do; Kognitio is helping us achieve our vision for our customers."

Kognitio, driving advanced analytics and data science through Supercomputing for Data Science™, is a silver sponsor of the Gartner summit, which will be held at Las Vegas' Venetian Resort Hotel and Casino. The Kognitio Analytical Platform is an in-memory, Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) relational database management system (RDBMS), optimized for analytical workloads. Its focus on True In-MemorySM computing enables companies to obtain greater insights in less time than from competing solutions. The ability of the Kognitio Analytical Platform has delivered proven results for companies worldwide, letting them do business more effectively and profitably.

Major industry analysts have praised Kognitio, saying its "entirely in-memory, distributed EDW (enterprise data warehouse) is appealing for customers looking for fast performance on commodity hardware," while adding that Kognitio customers are the "happiest," compared with the customers of competing vendors.

As a Kognitio customer, PlaceIQ's need for immediate information is at the core of its very existence. It serves up ads on smartphones for global market leaders such as Samsung, Walmart, KIA, Disney, Chase, Darden and more. It delivers specific ads to specific consumers based on their device, location and time of day. The result, the company says, is "to learn about and connect with consumers with unrivaled clarity, quality and relevance."

Milton will tell Gartner summit attendees that under PlaceIQ's old system, performance became a massive issue, moving at a snail's pace, with 20 hours of processing time required to work through data on a 500-node Hadoop cluster. Transferring the data to the Kognitio Analytical Platform, offering True In-MemorySM capabilities, enabled PlaceIQ to obtain advanced performance on clustering, querying and multidimensional analysis. Answers to complex queries were returned in 1/60th of the time, requiring only 20 minutes instead of 20 hours.

About Kognitio

For more than a generation, Kognitio has been a pioneer in software for advanced analytics, helping companies gain greater insight from large and complex volumes of data with low latency and limitless scalability for competitive business advantage. Sitting at the nexus of Big Data, in-memory analytics and cloud computing, Kognitio extends existing data and BI investments as an analytical accelerator, providing a foundation for data scientists and analytical information services. The Kognitio Analytical Platform can be used as a data science lab or to power comprehensive digital marketing analytics; it runs on industry-standard servers, as an appliance, or in Kognitio Cloud, a ready-to-use analytical Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) in a public or private cloud environment. 

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