Source: Íslandsbanki hf.

Islandsbanki hf. : Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Íslandsbanki was held today, 2 April. Friðrik
Sophusson, Chairman of the Board presented the Board's report and Birna
Einarsdóttir, CEO presented the 2013 annual results and the operational
highlights for the year. The Bank's Annual Report 2013 was also published

The results of the Annual General Meeting
No changes were made to the Board of Directors. However, the number of deputy
board members was increased from two to three, with Svana Helen Björnsdóttir
being the new appointee. In addition, a dividend of ISK 4.0bn was approved and
Deloitte ehf. was reappointed as auditors for the next year. No changes were
made to the Bank's remuneration policy

The Annual Report, the Risk Report and other relevant documents are available
and archived on

For further information:

  * Investor Relations - Tinna Molphy,  and tel:
    +354 440 3187.
  * Media Relations - Dögg Hjaltalín, and tel:
    +354 440 3925.
